Dress To Impress~

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Levi: *Mumbling* I need a new suit.

Eren: What was that honey?

Levi: Eren, we need to go to a tailor tomorrow.

Eren: For what? 

Levi: I need a new suit.

Eren: Why? The one you have looks great on you!

Levi: No it doesn't. It fits my ass horribly? 

Eren: How so?

Levi: It doesn't make the curves it used to. 

Eren: Welllllll.....I don't think tha's the suit's fault...

Levi: What are you trying yo imply Eren? That my ass is not big?

Eren: What?! I would never say that!

Levi: Be careful with your words honey. You might just go a month without sex. 

{A/N} Hiiiii!

I wonder what would happen if I followed Volume_Struck.....would sempai notice me? Literally, the first story I ever read here on Wattpad..... ^^'Hehe.... I'm scared though..... ; 3 ; ) 

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