Chapter 27

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Hey everyone I know it’s been a long time since I’ve uploaded……like a month and I realise that’s a long long time for me so I just want to say thank you so much for staying with me and supporting me even though I’ve not been here. I had a good holiday and I hate to say my laptop isn’t completely fixed either so I’m using it as and when I need too but I kind of thought you all deserved an upload I just hope its ok because I’ve a lot on my mind at the minute, something I don’t really want to broadcast to all and sundry but I hope that I manage to concentrate enough so that I can get something decent out for you all. Anyway on to the story…..

Please please comment and vote, get me back on those list because even though I don’t have as many fans as a lot of authors on here I have THE BEST ones and I love you all so thank you so much.

And please as always let me know what you think because I appreciate all your feedback good and bad

Also just to let you know this chapter is only like a filler so I'm saying sorry in advance.....SORRY lol

Thanks again

Love to you all


Chapter 27

Flynn’s pov

I could feel my chest feel like it was about to explode, I’d barely spoken to Harry or Logan in fear that I’d just break down, I didn’t tell them I felt just as much as Harry the only difference being that I wasn’t dying like he was, yeah I might have been in my own little bubble but I knew my best friend was dying which meant something I didn’t even want to think about…..Harley was dying, my baby was dying. I felt every blow, every ounce of pain passing through my girl, I felt the stabbing pains she had in her stomach all day every day, the only thing making me think that the baby was still alive was that she was still getting this pain and I dread to think what would have to have happened if it stopped completely.

I couldn’t control myself any more, I’d let myself sink back deeper and deeper letting my wolf take over most of the time. That's where my power lay, my strength, my skills and I knew if I had any chance of tracking this monster that had taken my girl I needed to be strong, to fight this pain and fear and do what needed to be done only I couldn’t it wasn’t just the pain that was flooring me it was the sheer emptiness, I knew as well as anyone did that looked at me I was hollow. I’d had a part of me ripped away from me it was like I had a massive gaping hole in my chest that I couldn’t fill. I could barely breathe let alone function every single part of me from the tips of my toes to my matted greasy hair needed her and I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t find her in time.

As much as I tried to avoid him and not let what was happening sink in I couldn’t. I tried believe me I did but I loved Harry like a brother and seeing him in so much pain, seeing his very life force draining from him bit by bit, hour by hour was killing me so much so even though I tried to block it out knowing that what was happening to him was happening to Harley I couldn’t.

What would happen if I didn’t find her plagued my every thought, it didn’t matter if I was tracking or pretending to sleep, or even just watching over Harry and Logan while they slept it was always on my mind. It didn’t matter that I might find her and that the baby might be ok, no all I could think of was how much pain she was in, how I knew she had a day maybe two left until I lost her forever and I honestly didn’t know if my tracking skills were up to the test.

I’d followed so many tracks, so many dead ends and false tracks, Adam Grace wasn’t wrong when he said this woman was smart. That I’ll give her she was, I’d never known anyone be able to deceive my mom for a week like she had, never mind me and I don’t want to blow smoke up my own ass but I was damn good at what I did. Yeah it’s not often I embraced either the tracker or the guard side of me; no I had never cared before, well until now. Before I was seventeen and a football star that’s all that I had wanted, that and Harley. Yeah we were mates and I knew that with her being a Grace and from Alpha blood would have meant that at some point all I knew would have to come out and come into good use but I mean come this was Harley, she was a firecracker if anything she would be there to protect me I was under no illusions that she wore the trousers between us both and I was ok with that, well that was until we knew about this Evie. Something inside me snapped into place and everything my mom and dad had drummed into me from being small had come crashing back to the surface everything I needed to know was there ready to go and thank god it did because the second my girl was taken it was as if I’d vanished and all that was left was my wolf.

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