Chapter 35

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Hey everyone so here’s the next chapter, I really hope you like it also watch out for the Pov change towards the end and again sorry about the cliff hanger lol

Anyway let me know what you think, there isn’t much Harley and Harry in this part but don’t worry they’re still the main players in the books…hint there at book three lol

Soooo please comment fan and vote and let me know what you think

Love you all


Chapter 35

Flynn’s Pov

It had been a few weeks since that day, since I was seriously shell shocked and I’d found out in fact that Harley had been carrying triplets and that our little boy had been hiding being his sister. Yeah I still felt the emptiness that loosing Hope had created but finding out about this little guy, well that kind of filled a slight gap.

I never thought in my life I’d be as lucky as for things to actually work with Harley, I’d made so many mistakes and messed up so many times I never thought she’d forgive me but here we were finally mated totally loved up and expecting two little babies that I have to say were the most fussed over unborn werewolves I’d ever known.

Harley had only been coherent for a few hours a day and even though she started off promising and the doctors saying that she’d be fine within two weeks, she was proving them wrong and not in the good way. She was still sedated most of the time because every time they brought her round the pain she was in was unbearable for her. All her internal injuries had healed, her organs everything was back to perfect working order, most of her bones had healed well all be it slower than anyone expected except her legs, even after the doctors had given her a helping hand and set them both hoping to kick start her wolf into healing them it didn’t work. They were still as mashed up as they had been when I’d found her, I remember the pain I felt in my own legs that day before I found her, it felt like I’d been run over with a steam roller I felt every bone in my legs crack and disintegrate, I still had no idea what they’d done to her to cause to much damage and I never got the chance to ask her, I really don’t know if I wanted too. When she was ready, when she was better she’d talk to me, I had no doubt she would. I knew that if anything bothered her or really got to her then she’d talk to me, over the important stuff I really didn’t worry, I knew she’d turn to me if she needed me.

So here I was two weeks after I’d found her and still in the same place, leant over her bed holding her hand for dear life and watching every machine in the room for any sign that anything was wrong. The news of my boy had spread throughout the packs and everyone that had come to see her did nothing but smile and congratulate me on him making me feel even worse that Harley didn’t even know about our son and she wouldn’t be able to hear us like before being that she was medically sedated.

Logan was sat opposite me and Harry had left about an hour ago, despite his attempts to connect to her, to give her his strength she’d refused. She had a powerful block around her that neither of us had ever felt before, I suppose it was her wolf trying to protect her while she was out of it, but none the less he kept trying, every time she accepted a little bit more than before, her other bones healed faster but she wouldn’t take the power it would take to heal her legs. The doctor said they would heal, he just didn’t know when and maybe she was saving all her energy to do just that, keeping the worst, longest injury till last.

Sighing I stretched out and yawned loudly trying to get some feeling left in my worn out body, not that I was complaining, after what had happened to Harley I had no right to complain about a pain ever again but the scar where I’d been shot still hurt every day, it was a constant reminder of that day, as if looking at Harleys battered body wasn’t enough. At least when she was healed she would hold no physical scars but every time I looked down, every twinge I felt I remembered, she’d remember.

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