Ryan's Pov

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Ryan Pov
Today I was going home back to my little girls. They are so excited to see me but their uncle is being a big baby.

Aug- Da ya have ta go?

Me- August Anthony Alsina, I HAVE to go. I already missed a lot of my work.

Aug- But ya were great company...

Me- Was I for real? *Smiles*

Aug- Yea.... I'm sending one of my bodyguards width ya.

Me- Why?

Aug- Ta make shu ya straight... Now dat ya been spotted width me da press gone be all ova ya ta try and get information out of ya bout my fall and health.

Me- I won't say anything. I promise. I better get going before I be late for my flight.

Aug- Ightt.

August stood up and gave me a long huge.

Aug- Thank ya..fa everything.

Me-*Laughs* You make it seem like you're not gone never see me again.

August laughed too.

Aug- Hera, ya might need dese.

He handed me his sunglasses he always wear. I smiled and took them.

Me- For what?

Aug- Ya know, the camera flashes and stuff..

Me- I'm sure you need them way more then me.

I tried to hand them back but he refused to take them. I kept naming reason why he should take them back until finally he took them only to put on me.

Me- Aug- GCO

Aug-*Yells* Aye, Big J. C'mon and take Ryan to the airport.

Big J- Ightt my bruda. Let's go Ms. Ryan.

I gave him a long glare. Trying to rush me out just because he don't want his glasses back.

Me and Big J walked outside the hotel and boy was August right. The paparazzi were asking so many question. I just kept my head low while Big J covered me until I got in the car that was waiting for me.

When I got to the airport I went through the whole process until I was able to board. I thought I was going to get on just a regular plane but Big J stopped me.

Big J- Nah Ryan. The jet waiting outside.

Ryan- Jet? I'm flying in a jet?

Big J- Yea. August had it arranged. I'm going to fly with you and then I'm flying back to New York after I make sure you straight and all.

I laughed this whole time I thought I was going to be late for a flight that didn't even exist.

Me and Big J walked outside to the Jet. Paparazzi were there but they weren't close up to me so I decided I'll smile this time since it was so hectic as leaving the hotel.

I got on the Jet and took a breath that I've been holding.

Me- August go through this all day everyday?

Big J- Yep. It takes a toll on him.

Me- Like yesterday?

Big J- Nah.... Yesterday is the day his brother died.

I choked on air. I was so speechless. How could he not tell me. That's why he was so zoned out yesterday.

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