Ryan Pov

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Ryan POV
It's Day 2 in New York and I'm by myself.. The girls went back to Atlanta for school. Sheila went with them. August's boys left to handle some of his tour business. So I'm watching over him for today. He still haven't woke up.

I was just sitting on a little couch when the room phone ringed.

*****Phone Conversation*****

Me- Hello?

??- Is this August Alsina's room?

Me-Yes it is..

??-Who is this?

Me- My name is Ryan.

??- Oh hey Ryan! It's me Nicki. Is August ok?

Me- Well...he's in a coma.

Nicki- Oh Godsh.. *Sighs*

Me- You should talk to Sheila about all he's other medical problems. I don't think it's my place to tell his business.

Nicki- Ok. I will. Give me a call when he wakes up then I can come visit. I don't think I can see him like that.

Me- I will.

Nicki- Ok. Bye Ryan.

Me- Bye.

******End Of Convo*****

I think it's really a shame that Nicki can't come up here and see HER man! She could come here and see him; she just doesn't want to. August isn't even mines and I'm the ONLY one up here stressing over him. Nicki needs to put her big girl panties and get over herself.

I figured August could hear so I decided to tell him Nicki called. I didn't want to at first but I figured it's only right since she can't come up here.

I walked to his side of the bed and pulled up a chair. I grabbed his hand to let him know I was here.

Me- August if you can hear me.. I just wanted to tell you that Nicki called to check up on you.....She's not coming by until you wake up. She says she can't stand to see you like this.

I didn't tell him my opinion on that.

Me- The girls were up here yesterday. But they left because of school. Your mom is staying with them back in Atlanta...They miss you a lot. They were so sad. I couldn't even get them to eat. I think your mom is sad on the inside to but she's not trying to show it. Your boys went to handle some tour business for you. So that leaves me. I promise your mom that I would take good care of you.

I rubbed my thumb on his hand. It felt like he was holding my hand back but that's probably just me thinking.

I figured he needed to be freshen up a little so I ran some warm water in a little bowl and got a towel. I carried over to his bed and put some soap on the towel. Before I touched him I told him

Me- I'm just washing you a little that's all ok.

I washed little parts of his face that I could get to. I washed his chest and arms.

I know he hates the fact that he can't do for himself right now but sometimes you need assistance.

I threw the water down the sink and sat back on the couch. Only thing you could hear in the room is his heart monitor.

Later that night I decided to go ahead and go to sleep after I FaceTimed the girls. They were happy to see me and Sheila and I did a little talking too.

I grabbed a blanket from the closet and cuddled up with it on the couch. Forgetting I had a fear of hospitals.

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