Ryan's Pov

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Ryan Pov
Yesterday when August told me Nicki was going on tour also I didn't have time to ponder on it because they're leaving today! TODAY! It was 3 A.M. and I'm up helping August back things he probably would look over and plus I have to take him to the airport to fly to New York.

August was in the closet going through some clothes of his. I was sitting on the bed in one of his hockey jerseys watching him. My hair was in its normal puffy curls and I was makeup less and sick. I got up and walked to the closet. I leant on the frame of the door and crossed my arms.

Aug- Why can't I find my concords.

He was looking everywhere. I peeped them in a corner.

Me-...There right there....

August looked over at me.

Aug- Whera?

I pointed to the corner. August looked over at the corner and bent down to pick up his shoes.

Aug- Thank ya ma.

I watched August pack while holding my stomach. It was starting to hit me that he won't be here for the heartbeat, he won't be here for the sex reveal, he won't be here throughout my pregnancy and...maybe he won't be here for the birth of our child.

My eyes started to water and I started to sniff to hold back my tears. I guess August heard my sniffling because he turned around.

Aug- What's wrong bae?

A tear fell so I shook my head and walked downstairs to the living room. I stood in front of my glass window that faced my pool area and cried. I heard August's foot steps coming downstairs so I covered my face with the sleeves to his jersey. I felt August come up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I still cried silently to myself.

August attempted at turning me around but I wouldn't let him so he came in front of me.

Aug- Whats popping? What's on ya mind ma. Talk ta me.

I guess after awhile August figured I want going to say nothing. So he grabbed my hand and lead me to the couch. He sat down and pulled me on his lap facing his chest. He pulled my hands away from my face. I still had wet tears on my cheek.

Aug- Whats wrong?

Me-...Your not going to be here *Cries* .......Your going to miss everything. I'm going to be alone throughout this pregnancy- GCO

Aug- Ry ya know ya not gone be alone.. Ya know I'm one call away. I'm hera when eva ya need me..

August wrapped his hands around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder.

Me-..I'm going to miss you...So much.

I gave August a kiss on his neck.

Me- Don't do nothing crazy.

Aug- *Sings* I don't want nobody but you..kissing on my tattoos. *Chuckles*

Me- *Chuckles* That's how we got here now.

August smiled and we got up and walked upstairs. He packed a few extra things in his bag while I got the girls up to throw on some shoes. I didn't want to leave them sleeping while I went to the airport. They threw on some uggs and a jacket. They walked downstairs and fell back to sleep. I had on August's hockey jersey with some black tights and some ugg boots. August was fully dressed too and ready to go.

August was putting his stuff in the car while I picked up Kay. Half way to the car he took her from me.

Aug- I got dem. Ya just go get in da car.

Me and August had a mini disagreement because I'm pregnant not disabled! But at the end of the day August got his way.

After all the girls were in the car and August had his stuff we drove off. He was driving. All the way there we held hands. We got to the airport and me and August got out. He got his things and we just looked at each other for a while and then he bent down and gave me a hug. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I didn't want to let go him but I had too.

Aug- Ok. I'll call ya as soon as I land.

Me- Ok..

He went around to the car and gave the girls a goodbye kiss. He shut there door and walked back to me. He gave me a long kiss and he gave my stomach a kiss also.

Aug- Ya know...I've been thinking.. And I know ya probably hesitate at first but can ya at least consider it?

Me- What?

Aug- Staying in New Orleans until da baby's born.. Therefora ya will have my ma's.

Me- August. What about my job? The girls school....

Aug- Ya can enroll them inta dey old school fa alil while. And can't sam take care of dat.

Me- Sam is fine to be on Maternity Release..

Aug- Bae ya can make some happen.. I jus don't want ya ta be all alone with da girls..

I looked to the side.

Aug- I know ya afraid.... I know ya afraid ta go back ta Nola. Especially na dat ian gone be round. And dis brods probably be hot na since ya pregnant but dats ok. Ma's got ya. Da bodyguards got ya. I got ya.

Me- August your mom doesn't even know yet. What is she going to think.

Aug- She'll be happy as hell.

Me-........Ok.....Fine. When do I leave?

Aug- Today. I'll send a jet fa ya.

Me- Ok. I have loads to do before I leave.

Aug- Ok..

August gave me one more kiss.

Aug- I got ta go na Ightt?

Me- Ightt.

Aug- I'll call ya when da jet is on da way.

Me- Ok.

Aug- I love ya.

Me- I love ya too. Be safe.

Aug- Ya ta. Be safe driving back. Hold it down fa me ightt.

Me- Ightt.

August walked to the waiting jet and got on. I watched him leave. Then I got back into the car.

When the girls finally woke up Chay and Mya literally freaked!

Mya- Ryaaaaaan! We're late for school! OMG!

Chay- We need to hurry Mya!

Me- Girls it's ok. You aren't going to school today.

Mya- Why not?

Me- I pulled you guys out online.

Chay- Why?

Me/ Because we are going to New Orleans. August wants us there until the baby is born. I have to enroll yall back into your old school for awhile.

Chay- Yes! I missed my friends.

Mya- Same here.

Me-*Laughs* Ok now go get ready and pack. We have loads to do.

The girls got ready and I helped little miss Kay get ready and pack. After I got her ready I sent her downstairs with the other girls while I got dressed. After I got ready we left. We took the van. I told the driver to stop at chic-fa-la to get the girls and I some breakfast. After that we drove to my building. I told the girls to stay in the van and eat while I went and handle some business. It was only going to take me a second. I walked in my job and met with my assistant. I decided to leave her in charge because she's a very responsible young women.

I walked back to the van and I had a text from aug saying he landed and the jet is handing back. I sent back "Ok" and we left for the airport. When we got there the jet was already there. Godsh he's fast. We got settle in the jet and we were off to Nola.

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