Ryan's Pov

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Ryan Pov
So, I am now a month and a half. And I've gained so much weight! Every time I talk to Aug he asks how big have I gotten and I give him a description of a cow because that's how I feel.

Anyways, I haven't been out the house since I've gotten out of the hospital so today I'm taking the girls out. Sheila is tagging along also. Luckily the van is here along with bodyguards. I keep telling August being around bodyguards just bring more attention to me and he got all upset talking about "What if somebodey tries ta take ya". I swear he doesn't listen sometimes.

I woke the girls up and they took their baths. Kay slept on her clothes since she had a bath last night. Sheila was fully dress and downstairs cooking breakfast. I've gotten over my morning sickness but every once in awhile I smell something that just doesn't smell pleasant and I may go throw up.

I got dressed in a sweater dress. It was grey and I had on my black heels. The bottom of the shoe was glass. August has already made it clear that he disagrees with me wearing heels because he think I might trip and fall on my stomach. I swear that boy thinks negative sometimes. Anyway, I added some jewelry and I pinned my hair up in a bun.

Kay came skipping in the room holding a piece of bacon.

Kay- I'm ready for my hair to get comb. *Smiles*

Me- Are you going to wiggle and whine when the comb gets stuck?

She shook her head "No". Kay has so much hair that sometimes I don't feel like doing it. Especially when I put it in plats, that'll take all day.

Me-Come on.

I walked to the bed and sat down. I opened my legs slightly for Kay to sit in between. I grabbed the comb, brush, and cress of the lamp table and pulled off her scrunchy. I started to comb her hair out.

Me- You look pretty today.

Kay- Thank You mama Ryan. You do too. *Smiles*

Kay was wearing some long camo jeans with a pink shirt that had camo writing on it with her pink converse. As I was combing Kay's hair I looked out the window to my left. You could see the whole block. People were out smoking, drinking, doing their everyday thing. Some people were looking up at the window. That made me look away.

I ended up combing Kay's hair into two buns adding two green ribbons to each of them.

Me- All done. You did great today.

I smiled and held up my hand for a high five. She smiled and gave my a high five.

Me- Can you go get your sister for me please. *Smiles*

Kay nodded and ran out to get Mya. Mya came in with some jeans on that was rolled up at the end and she had a white shirt on with a glittery gold butterfly on it with some glittery gold converse.

Me-*Smiles* GoodMorning.

She smiled back and came and gave me a hug.

Mya- GoodMorning.

She sat down where Kay was and I ended up putting her hair in a high ponytail with a white bow.

Me- All finish.

Mya- Thank You Ryan.

Me- You're welcome babe.

I gave Mya a kiss on her cheek.

Me- Now can you help me up. *Chuckles*

Mya giggled as she tried to pull me up. When I finally got on my feet I went to the bathroom to wash my hands off. After that I walked downstairs and saw Kay and Mya at the table eating. Sheila was reading the mail.

Me- Goodmorning Ms. Sheila.

Sheila- Oh hey. *Smiles* Goodmorning Ry. And please, call me Sheila. *Chuckles*

Me- Ok. *Chuckles*

Sheila- Sit down and get some to eat.

Me- Ok.

As I was grabbing my plate I notice Chay wasn't at the table. I turned to Mya whom was now eating a pancake.

Me- Where's Chay?

Mya- Upstairs.

Me- Ok. I'll be back. I got to go check on my other babe.

I walked out the kitchen and up the stairs. I went in the guest room and I entered the bathroom. Chay was there trying to figure out how to do her hair.

Me- Hey. *Smiles*

Chay- Hey Ryan..

Me- Whats wrong?

I came in closer and stood behind her looking in the mirror.

Chay- I can't figure out how to do my hair.

Me- *Touches her hair* How about me put it to the side and flat iron it.

Chay smiled.

Chay- Ok!

I plugged up the flat irons and I started working on Chay's hair. When we finished she looked in the mirror.

Chay- This is so pretty! *Smiles*


Chay- Thanks Ry.

She gave me a hug and I returned the jester. We walked downstairs and we ate breakfast. After breakfast we got in the van and drove to the mall. We were in "Dillard's" and I was looking at MK purses. I found three cross bodies they were brown, white, and grey. I picked them up and looked towards the girls.

Me- Y'all like these?

Kay-*Gasp* Yes!

I chuckled.

Me- Ok. *Smiles* Chose the one y'all want.

Kay grabbed the brown, Mya grabbed the white, and Chay took the grey.

Them- Omg! Thanks Ryan!!

They all gave me a hug.

Me- No problem. *Smiles*

While the girls admired their purses I walked over to Sheila whom was checking out a Michael Kors purse. It was pink, white, and black.

Me- That's nice.

Sheila- I know right. It's gorg.

Me- You want it?

She looked at me.

Sheila- Ryan I can't let you buy this.

Me- No no. *Smiles* Its fine. Look at it as a thank you gift for letting me stay in your house.

Sheila- Aww Ryan.

She gave me a hug. I paid for the stuff and the reseat was 1,078 dollars but that was because I bought some red bottoms.

We got in the van and decided to go for some food. The girls introduced me to new kinds of food. Like crawfish. Which I didn't like at all! All in all today was a good day.

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