Ryan's Pov

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Ryan Pov
When I woke up I was in a hospital bed. Ms. Sheila was there with me along with the girls. She noticed I was up and she walked over to me.

Sheila- Hey.. How are you doing?

Me- Fine.. What happened?

Sheila- You just over worked yourself. Your too use to doing more then 1 thing but Ryan.. Your pregnant now. Take things easy.

Me- Oh my, is the baby ok?

I gave her a worried look.

Sheila- The baby is fine Ryan no need to worry.

Me- Thank god. *Sighs*

Sheila- Aug is- GCO

Me- Oh Ms. Sheila please don't tell August!

I was pleading to her.

Aug- I alreadey know.

I looked toward the door and August was standing there with his shades on so I couldn't really see if he was serious or not. But the way he forms his lips tells it all and right now his expression was not pretty.

Sheila- Come on girls.

The girls got up and left out with Sheila leaving me and August alone.

August was still standing there giving me that face.

Me- I..I..

I got teary eyed because I thought August was upset with me.

Me- I drove the car ok. I just went up the street to the drug store because I was feeling well and the van wasn't there so I didn't have a choice. Next thing I know I'm back home and I faint. *Cries*

August took his shades off while walking over to me. We were just looking at each other for a moment and then he embraced me.

Aug- I flew here fast as possible... Ryan ya had me scared... Ma's wouldn't tell me what happen until I got here....

August was looking down and I notice a tear fall from his eyelash.

Aug- Ryan.. I thought ya had lost it.

I looked at him for a moment and then grabbed his hand. I scooted over in the hospital bed.

Me- Lay with me.

August looked up. And climb into bed with me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I laid on his chest. We were laying like that for a minute and then I spoke up.

Me- .....We didn't lose it.. It's still there.

I smiled into August chest.

Me- Speaking of the baby. What do you want it to be. A boy or A girl.

Aug- Ian realley neva thought bout dat. You'll probably be surprise with my ansa.

Me- *Chuckles* What?

Aug- I want a lil girl *Chuckles* one of my own. Dats 50% mines.

Me- Really? I want a son. Wouldn't you like a son?

Aug- No.. Jus because I have my reasons.

Me- And those are?

Aug- I don't want him ta be like me. Highschool drop out, use ta be dope dealer, thoting round.. I don't want dat ta happen. Plus I work betta with a girl.

Me- August you moved past those things.

Aug- I know I have. But I also know I use ta be dat. Dats some I can neva forget. It's always going ta be in da back of my mind.

I stayed quiet because he had a point. August started playing around with my belly.

Aug- Does it hurt when ya get bigga?

Me- No. Not really.

Aug- .. I can't wait fa it ta start kicking...

August tried to lift my gown up. But I stopped him.

Me- I'm getting stretch marks and they're ugly.

Aug- Dey ya beautey marks. Let me see.

Me- *Whines* Auguuuuust.

Aug- Ryaaaaan.

August lift my gown up.

Aug- Dey ain't bad at all.

Me- Yes they are.

Aug- I'll get ya some cream.

Me- Ok.

August laid his head on my stomach.

Me- Your not my baby August. *Laughs*

Aug- I'm ya future husband.

Me- Hahaha. Jokes.

Aug- Ya neva know.

Me- Oh I know.

August planted kisses all over my stomach and laid his head on it.

Aug- Hey daddy's lil girl. I know ya in dhere.


After awhile I looked down at August and he was laying on my stomach sleep.

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