Ryan's Pov

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Ryan Pov
Later that night like at 12 August invited to go to one of the clubs here in New Orleans. I agreed. I put on a white dress with black stripes and some white heels. I applied little eye makeup and some clear lipgloss. I curled my hair into spiral curls.

When we pulled up to the club it was jumping. It wasn't a club you'll find in Los Vegas. It was more of one of those on the corner of the hood clubs. August walked in with me. Everyone noticed us. They dapped August up and looked me up and down while whistling. I felt uncomfortable.

We were at the club for a good hour and August was no where to be found. I was just sipping on some water sitting at the little bar. I kept looking around hopping I'll find August. I never did so I just got up. I told myself that I'll stop to use the restroom. I usually don't like using public bathrooms but I HAD to go.

As I walked to the back of the club I felt somebody watching me. When I got in the bathroom I did my business. As I was in the stall I heard the bathroom door open. I thought it was just another person coming in.

After I flush the toilet and getting ready to walk out I stopped because there was some stranger right in front of me.

Within a second he had me pinned to the wall rubbing his ashy hand up and down my thighs. I tried to fight back but that only caused him to squeeze my neck. I scratched him and he throw me on the ground. I hit my lip on the sick.m and I felt a sting. He hovered over me and pulled my dress up. He pinned my arms down. I started to tear up.

Me- please..*Crying*

??- Shut up! *Slaps me*

I screamed out in pain. That was going to leave a bruise. I felt him rep my underwear off. I cried harder.

Me- Please!! *Cries*

I was shaking by now. He pulled down his pants and boxers. This is my chance. I kicked him where it hurts causing him to fall back. I got up and ran out the bathroom pulling my skirt down.

I ran past the people living the club. As I was running out I tripped over some steps but I got back up and continued running. I didn't see August or nobody.

I saw the man come out the club so I continued running down the street in the middle of the night around New Orleans in the hood. I didn't know my way so I didn't know where I was going. My heel was broken, my dress was ripped, I was shaking and crying, and my hair was sweated out.

I lost my clutch back at the club in the bathroom. All I had in there was over $200 and some lipgloss. I didn't think I needed my phone since I was with August.

I found a bus stop stand and I sat down catching my breath. The little light they had on over it went out right when I sat down. Then that's when the rain came.

All I know was I was in some part of the hood right across for a grocery store named "SunFlower". I started to get cold and then I realized I left my jacket at the club too....Where is August..

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