Ryan's Pov

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Ryan POV
So we are back in the A now. Today Chay and Mya had to go back to school and I'm taking Kay to the doctors office. She's feeling Ok. Still not at her best. Her fever broke a little. It went from 120 to 99. I wasn't expecting it to just completely fall. I was just worried about getting down some.

August dropped Chay and Mya off at school today. He told me to wait for him because he wants to come to Kay's doctors appointment too.

I woke Kay up and took her a bath. After I finished her bath I got her ready. She was wearing a grey sweater with a big glittery silver heart on it. I put her black and white polka dot tights on before putting on her grey shorts that matched her sweater. She told me she wanted to wear her pink converse so I let her. Then we started working on her hair. I put it in a high ponytail to the side, leaving some pieces down in the back, and I added a hair bow at the top.

Kay- Ryan can you take me a picture?

Me- *Chuckles* Of course.

I got my phone of the charger and opened my camera app.

Me- Do a pose key.

She threw up the deuces and licked her tongue out. After I snapped the picture I heard somebody walk in my room.

Aug- Well somebody's feelin betta.

Kay- Uncle August!

Kay ran and jumped in his arms.

Aug- Ya readey fa ya doctas appointment?

Kay- No.

Aug- Why?

Kay- I don't want to get a shot. *Frowns*

Aug- Ya don know if ya gettin a shot or not.

Kay- What if I do get one?

Aug- I'll be dhere. *Smiles*

Kay- Ok. *Smiles*

August turned to me.

Aug- Ya ready?

Me- Yea.

I grabbed my purse and we walked out. I guess we're taking August's truck. He buckled Kay up in the back and I got in the front. The whole car ride Kay was talking about shots.

Kay- Mama Ryan.

Me- Yes baby Kay.

Kay-*Giggles* Do you like shots?

Me- No but sometimes I have to get them. If I'm really sick. I have to be a big girl.

Kay- Do you cry?

Me- Sometimes.

Kay- Me too. So did my mom. When I was living with her she use to inject herself with a needle everyday and cry about it after. One day I asked her what was the shot for and she said "Do You really wanna know" and I nodded and she stuck it half way in my arm until Chay came and pulled me away. I didn't bleed but it really did hurt. Chay yelled at momma after it.

I was shocked by this story. I looked over at August and he looked tense. I'm assuming he knows what she's talking about.

Kay- And guess what momma Ryan.

Me- Yes?

Kay- I never got to find out what the shot was for.

Aug- Kay..

Kay- Yes uncle August?

Aug- Shh ok?

Kay- We're playing the quiet game?

Aug- Yes let's play dat.

Kay- Ok.

We pulled up to the doctors office and got out. I opened the back door to get Kay out and I noticed she was sleep. I picked her up and carried her inside. August filled out some papers. He has some small pretty handwriting. Kay was sleep on my chest when the doctor came to get us. I had to wake her up because she had to get weighed and measured. After that they took us to a room in the back. They checked her blood pressure, breathing, etc. The doctor left for awhile an ld came back with a needle.

Doc- Now little miss Kay. This is just one little shot not going to hurt at all.

When I say Kay jumped off that bed and into my lap so fast! She was very emotionally and shaking. She hugged me around my neck tightly.

Kay- No! *Cries* Ryan don't let him give it to me!

Me- It's going to help you.

I rubbed her hair and walked over to the bed. I sat on it and I held Kay in my lap.

Kay- Uncle August! *Cries*

Aug- It's ok Kay. *Grabs her hand*

The doctor fixed up the needle and rolled Kay's sleeve up. He rubbed some alcohol on her arm. Kay was really crying hard and jumping around trying to get out of my grip.

Doc- Kay be still for me honey.

Kay looked at me. Her lip was quivering. I feel bad but it has to be done if she wants to feel better.

Kay- ....Your just like my mom..

The doctor stuck Kay in the arm with the needle and she looked down and saw the blood and instantly fainted. The doctor went and got her some water and she woke back up just to fall asleep. The doctor gave August some papers and medicine and we left. In the car I looked over at August.

Me- How is their mom?....

August glanced over at me for a second.

Aug- Dey see her as a mean mean mean person because she always tried ta force dem ta do things. She didn't mean what she said. Ya ain't nothing like her.

I faced forward. My feelings are extremely hurt..

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