Ryan's Pov

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Ryan POV
The doctors told me that my bruises weren't that serious. They gave me some cream to help them heal faster.

That night the girls wanted to go to the skating rink. I was happy to go. I keep telling myself to not let this little incident hold me back.

I got the girls ready and I got myself ready. When we walked downstairs August was sitting in the couch with Big J and Sheila.

Aug- Where yall headed?

Chay- Skating Rink.

Mya- Yup. *Jumps down last step*

August glanced at me.

Aug- Ya shu ya gone be straight?.

I was a little unsure and I think he felt my hesitation.

Aug- Aye Big J Leggo. Bye mama. *Kisses her cheek*

Me- Aug n-GCO

Aug- I'm coming Ryan.

August walked outside with the girls. I was the last one in the house. I glanced at Sheila and she gave me a smile. I returned it and walked out to August truck.

When we pulled up to the skate rink we got out. Everybody was here. Lord help me. I think August saw me tease up so he pulled his arm around me. He just don't know that's making it worse.

I got rude looks from females and freaky looks from men. I felt out of my place. A replay of lastnight came back to my mind. I guess I zoned out because August was trying to get my attention.

Aug- Ryan..Ryan..Ryan.

Me- Oh huh? *Snaps back to earth*

Aug- What sizes shoe ya need?

Me- Oh um. 8.

August got our shoes and we went to put them on while Big J went to the consecution stand . Chay & Mya knew how to skate so did August. Kay didn't that's why I gave her one of those roller things that you could hold to give you balance. I didn't know how to skate either.

When I got up I almost fell but August caught me before I did.

Aug-*Chuckles* Ya can't skate can ya.

Me- *Smiles* Don't laugh.

August held my hand as he pulled me out to the floor. I intertwined our fingers out of fear.

Me- August don't let go.

August was looking foward.

Aug- I got ya.

Then he looked back at me.

Aug- I got ya.

This time he said like he meant it in another way.

The girls came flying by us. They was holding Kay's hand.

Chay- Hey Ryan! *Smiling*

Mya- Hey uncle A!

Kay- Faster! Faster!

Me&Aug- Hey girls!

I was just holding on to August's hand for dear life as we went around the rink. He kept playing with me by letting my hand go and I had to find a object to hold on to quick.

Me- August *Laughs* That's not cool!

Aug- I'm sorrey. *Chuckling* C'mon.

I grabbed his hand again. And again he let me go and I fell. I just sat there and laughed while my hair was blowing in my face.

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