Chapter 20

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Oliver's mouth stayed open.

He's what?

His face was beginning to feel tingly from the sudden change of emotion.

Jed stared at the boys. He wasn't sure what they were thinking or if they were even thinking at all.

Reality came back to Oliver like a slap in the face as he turned to look at Vinny.

"Jed, you do know I'm a guy right?" He asked.

"Yes, Oliver I'm very aware of that. But, as crazy as it may seem, it's true."

The boys continued to stare at the angel like he was utterly stupid.

"Jed, I, am, a, man," Oliver said. "It's not possible for me to... to..."

Oliver stopped when Jed's face remained mutual.

"I don't believe you," Vinny said.

Jed should've expected this reaction. Of course, for a male to be pregnant is not logical.

"I know it's hard to believe but-"

"This is ridiculous" Oliver interrupted as he ran a hand through his hair. "Is this like a weird game, or what?"

"No, I'm telling you the truth. Corey is pregnant too."

Oliver gawked at the angel, has he lost his mind?

He then leant to the side and looked into the room.

Corey was looking at Zachariah with shock as Panuleon had the same frown as Vinny.

"Who told you this?" Vinny asked.

For this to be happening, was just too unrealistic for his mind to register or even consider believing.

"We have an angel midwife with us called Aliyah. She noticed straight away" Jed said as he glanced through the doorway and motioned for her to come over.

She quickly came, seeing the confusion and shock on the boys faces.

Oliver could barely even think.

This had to be a joke.

"Are you Aliyah?" Oliver questioned.

"Yes," She smiled and stood next to Jed.

"Okay, you do know I'm a guy right?"

She chuckled, knowing this would be completely unbelievable for them.

"Of course, but Oliver you have to understand, Yes you are male but this has been destined to happen ever since you connected the bond with Vinny, and Corey connected the bond with Panuleon."

Vinny and Oliver then looked at each other. They shared the same emotions and the same expression.

"You've got to be kidding me," Oliver said as he shook his head. "I'm sorry but I really don't believe you."

Jed and Aliyah exchanged a glance, knowing they would need to prove it.

"Okay, come with me," She said and turned back towards the room.

Hesitantly, they followed.

Corey was in deep discussion with Zachariah, but when he saw them he quickly headed over.

"Oliver, have you been told?" He asked.

"Um-" Oliver sank his hands into his pockets and glanced at Panuleon. He still looked incredibly startled. "Wait, do you believe them?"

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