•All bottled up//J.M•

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*daniels pov*

"Hey y/n do you know if anything's up with Jonah?" I asked her with concern "Jonah has been acting really strange the last few days and I'm starting to worry" she looked at me with sad eyes.

"Yea I've noticed it to... he won't tell me anything though but whatever it is is taking and extremely hard toll on him. He never lets himself get this down" as she said the last word and few tears ran down her face. "Hey come here" I said opening my arms to her. "Thank you Dani" "anytime bestie" I said as she let go of me.

*lil time skip*

Jonah finally came home around three this afternoon. Everyone said hi to him and he ignored everyone even his own girlfriend. I really wanna know what's bothering him out I don't wanna push him over the edge. "Screw it" I said heading up the stairs into Jonah's room.

"Dude what the hell?" He turned and asked angrily. "Look yea I know you don't wanna talk about it but what has been up with you man? You haven't talked to anyone, you haven't shown up to the studio, I mean come on your girlfriend that literally lives here stayed the past week with her best friend cause of you." I yelled the last part unintentionally. Y/n and me were like brother and sister so it just hurt a little more seeing her hurting.

He stayed silent until a slight sob came from his mouth. "I just.. I'm stressed out ok!" His voice cracked a few times from tears. "Hey Jo it'll be ok I promise man. Do you want me to go get y/n?"

"She's still here? I thought she was gonna leave me for treating her like this" streams of tears ran down his face. "I'll go get her" I said as I turned out if the room and walked downstairs.

*y/n's pov*

I saw Daniel coming back down the stairs hopefully holding good news. "Hey..he really needs you right now I think you might wanna go up there" I nodded my head slightly getting up off the couch.

"Baby?" I said walking through the door. He was sitting up against the wall, knees to his chest, hands over his face, crying as hard as possible. I walked over to him and sat down putting my arms around him.

"Bubs are you okay?" My eyes started brimming with tears I hated seeing Jo upset. "I just...I can't deal with it anymore y/n" he said in between sobs. "what is it Jo? What can't you deal with?" he was completely laying on top of me crying into my shoulder...it really broke my heart.

"All of the stress at the studio trying to record songs by the deadlines, I-I'm getting more hate from the fans out of nowhere, and I'm still trying to make sure me and you are financially stable at the same time" his last few words came out like a whisper.  "Baby listen to me you don't have to worry about supporting me. I have my own job and I'll be ok I promise. I can't really help much with the studio problem but you could possibly ask for a mental health week and as for the hate why don't we take a break from media for awhile?"

He looked up at me with big tear filled eyes. "Yea..yeah that sounds good" he said putting his head back into the crook of my neck. "Sorry for making your hoodie wet" his comment made me smile. "It's ok Jo" I said with a giggle. "Let's get up and get you some rest. I'll tell all the fans about the social media break" he nodded as we stood up and headed towards the bed.

"Next time don't keep things so bottled up. I hate seeing you sad bubs" I said as I laid down with him. His head was on my chest and mine and his arms were wrapped around one another. "I know baby..I'm gonna try" he said quietly. The next time I looked down at him he was out like a light.

"Hey I see you got him to calm down" Daniel said standing at the door frame. "Yea it took him a minute but I got him to finally spill out what was going on and he got all of his tears out so now he's asleep" I looked back up at Dani and his eyes showed a feeling of relief probably because he now knew his best friend was gonna be ok.

"I'll tell you what he said later but I think he just really really needs to sleep right now" I said playing with Jo's hair. "Yea yeah of course see you later"

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