•Oh No//Z.H•

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It was Zach's birthday today and he had thrown a huge party inviting every single one of his friends which you didn't mind other than the fact that when all of them are together and there's alcohol involved it's not usually a good turnout. He let you invite some of your friends as well so that you would have someone to talk to and not be bored the whole night.

The party was gonna start at eight so you started getting ready around seven. You didn't dress up super fancy but you looked pretty good and you did a really good job on your makeup. "Wow" Zach said as you stepped out of the bathroom. "Like what you see here Herron?" You said laughing "Definitely" He said coming over to you and grabbing your hips. "Your so beautiful." He said looking in your eyes. You pecked his lips and turned to the door. "Party's starting soon let's go." You said and he giggled.

People started showing up a few minutes after eight. Obviously the first ones being his band mates since they lived there. "Hey Corbs keep an eye on Zach for me tonight ok." You said giving him a hug. "No probelm love." He said laughing. You and Corbyn have been bestfriends ever since you two met. Sometimes Zach got a little jealous but you always make it up to him😏.

*Lil Time skip*

It was now around midnight and you were sitting on the couch talking with Gabbie when the both of you heard yelling that sounded like Zach. "Oh no" the both of you said in sync while running to where the yells were coming from. You ended up in the backyard with a look of fear on your face. Zach and some other guy you didn't know we're about to have a full on fist fight. You started running to grab him but the guy punched him before you got there. You were frozen you've never seen this side of your boyfriend before and it kinda scared you. After a few more punches the two of them just stared at each other and yelled some more so you took you chance and ran towards Zach.

"Babygirl move!" Zach said "No Zach stop! Please just stop!" You said and when Zach looked down at you it broke his heart. You had started crying when you looked at his face with all the cuts and bruises." Just walk away" you said. His body relaxed from its tense position while he stood behind you. You turned around to face the other guy with an angry look on your face. "Oh no" Corbyn and Dani said. "You lay one more hand on my boyfriend and you'll have hell to pay." You said right before you kicked him in a not so nice spot. "Let's go." You said grabbing Zach's arm and taking him to the bathroom to clean him up.

"Why'd you do that Z?" "Because he was talking about our y/n saying all the nasty things that aren't true and I got heated so I started yelling. OW" he said when you put the rubbing alcohol on his forehead. "I'm sorry" "it's ok it just really hurts." He said.

You got him all cleaned up then told everybody to leave. You and Zach headed up to your room and fell asleep, him needing it more than you. You felt knowing that he got in that fight because he was standing up for you and not just some random reason but you really hope it doesn't happen again.

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