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You had gotten pregnant when you were eighteen. At the time you and your boyfriend Corbyn weren't ready and to say the two of you were scared is an understatement. Your parents kicked you out when they found out. That night you ran over to Corbyn and the guys house and just cried while you were in your boyfriends arms.

He told you everything would be ok and sure enough everything was pretty ok from then on until about seven months later. You had woken up from a really bad pain in your stomach. You though it was just the false contractions so you tried going back to sleep. But about two minutes later there was another one this one was so bad it caused a small scream to come out of your mouth. Corbyn woke up with a terrified look on his face. "Is the baby ok?" "I don't know" you said just as another wave of pain hit. "Come on I'm taking you to the hospital."

You had ended up having your baby two months early. She was extremely small but healthy. When the nurse handed her over to Corbyn you could just see the love in his eyes. It honestly made you cry. You let Corbyn name her and he did a pretty good job, he named her Madden Rae which you though was adorable.

*One month later*

Your baby girl is just as goofy and adorable as her dad. She's corbyns little princess. Not to mention the boys absolutely love her as well. After she was born Daniel got her a mini off-white fanny pack, and Jonah and jack alway wanted to babysit her even when It wasn't needed.

Your parents still haven't let you come back. They haven't tried to see your girl either so you and Corbyn decided that they aren't gonna be a part of her life and it's probably for the better.

Every time you see Corbyn holding your little girl in his arms your heart melts and you start to tear up. He's the perfect dad seriuosly. You love that he helps with everything, he feeds her in the middle of the night when he knows that your exhausted. He cares about you and your baby so much and it makes you happier than words can even explain.

You love your little family and can't wait to see what happens next for the three of you.

A/N:Hey loves I hoped you like this one I personally think it's pretty cute😂 don't forget to vote for your favorite story's!

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