•Dream Car//J.A•

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It was almost Christmas and you had been struggling to find Jack a present. You had been running through ideas for a week and nothing was good enough. But you had remembered a certain car that jack has wanted ever since you and him started dating in highschool. He's always wanted a matte black mustang and you had your mind set on getting it for him.

You had looked at at least four different dealerships on line to see which one of them had at least a black mustang and you could get a matte paint job on it for him. After about an hour of searching you found a dealer that had one. "Hey bean come here" you said "what's up my dude?" "So since it's almost Christmas and I found the car that Jack has always wanted I'm gonna go get it but I need you to help me so that you can drive my car back with me." "I gotcha girl" He said giving you a hug. "Alright let's go" You said walking out the door with a big smile on your face.

*Skip To the dealership*

Thankfully you were only there for about three hours before you got the car. "This is so sick." Corbyn said. "Yeah now I just have to get a paint job on it." "When's that gonna happen." "Tomorrow." You said hopping in the drivers seat of your boyfriends new car. "See you at home and please don't crash my car." You said laughing "I'll try my hardest."

You parked the car in the garage so that when ever Jack came back he wouldn't see it. He was at the studio finishing up his vocals for a new song. So he wouldn't be back for a few hours that gave you plenty of time to call the paint guys and make an appointment.

*The next day aka Christmas Eve*

"Morning baby" Jack said as he put his arms around your waist. "Morning. Oh by the way I have to leave in like ten minutes." "Ughhh for what?" "I'm getting my last minutes Christmas gifts." "Ok I love you" "love you more."

You hopped in the car and drove to the paint place. You told them what you wanted and paid for it. "He's gonna love it." You said under your breath. You waited for about three hours before the car was ready. "This is perfect thank you guys." "No problem" You drove the car back home and put it back in the garage. "Baby I'm back." You said as you walked through the garage door. "Upstairs!" He yelled. The two of you spent that night with the boys and you couldn't wait for tomorrow.

*The next day*

"Merry mother fucking Christmas everybody." You yelled as soon as you woke up. You could hear all the boys dying of laughter in their rooms. You ran down the stairs and belly flopped on the couch.

Everybody opens their presents from one another. Jack ended up giving you a promise ring and not gonna lie you cried, a lot. But it was finally time to give him his present. "Hey jacky come with me." "Ok?" He said in a weird tone. " Open this door and you'll see your present but close you eyes first." He gave you a confused look but did what you said. "Ok one, two, three." He opened his eyes and his jaw dropped. "Are you for real you got me my dream car.!" "Yes I did." You said in a proud tone. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." He said picking you up and twirling you around. This has been the best Christmas ever.

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