Chapter 9. Memories

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"You should be ashamed of yourself! Befriending with the wrong type!"

"Didn't your pathetic father ever teach you about any manners? You are a pureblood witch with great powers that are yet to reveal themselves...and yet you befriend a mudblood and a werewolf?!"

"We didn't teach our daughter to betray us, but she still did...and it seems that she has been able to manipulate your mind to the point where you think that this is all you can be...a witch with normal powers...but you are so wrong Aurora!"

"You could be much more...much more than my sister, your mother. Much more than you father...even much more than me, your uncle. You have the blood of the family of are the heir to all the powers we cherish. You should realise that when the Dark Lord rises, it will be easier to stand next to him...not against him. You will only lose, because there's nothing that can hold him down. He will get rid of all the mudbloods soon enough and expose our true day, in the future, we'll be able to take the whole world as royals. We will win the war and we expect you to stand by our side!"

But I don't want to...

"You don't want to?! Of course you do! We are the only family you have left! It's your duty to follow our orders and become an ally to the Dark Lord!"

But I don't want to!

"Want it or will happen...and if you resist, you will loose much more than you already have!"

No...NO! I don't want to!!!

"'s alright Aurora. Your true family doesn't realise that you and I...have a different kind of a the Dark Lord, I can sense when a witch or a wizard had unique type of powers. You have them, I can sense them so clearly. You will bring power to me and together we will shape the world in the way we want to shape it. Join me...Aurora."

The Dark Lord? Lord Voldemort?

But how could I ever betray the people that I love. I could never do something like this to them. I could never join the Dark side, just to get rid of the people that are equal to us. They are no different to us...they are us.

"Not different to us? Dear girl, do you even hear yourself? Of course they are different from us, in every way. They are weak, unreasonable...emotional! They know nothing about the real power?!"

"The real power? And what could possibly be stronger than love?!"

There was a break within the voices. It seemed as they had completely disappeared, finally leaving me alone, and taking to cold feeling with them while doing so. And soon the coldness was replaced with a warm, loving feeling. And it almost felt like the sun had hit my face, when I saw a figure right in front of me.


Her face beamed brighter than ever, as she looked at me. "My beautiful daughter, oh how have I missed you!"

I wanted to touch her, to hug her, but nothing gave me the power to do so. I became inpatient, and she seemed to understand it. "In here you cannot touch me."

"In here? Where are we?" I muttered, looking around in the brightness.

"Aurora, we don't have much time," she began, making me look at her again. "Did they leave your mind already?"

"I think so...I can not hear them...wait, how were they able to do that?!"

"Dark were your weakest and they were able to reach your mind."

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