Chapter 8. Apologizing

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It was a lucky thing, that the invisibility cloak had been in the Potter family for a long time now. It belonged to Fleamont's father before him, and now it belongs to his son, James. I once wondered if this invisibility cloak was the same one the Tale of the Three Brothers told you about, but then again...there was no such thing as becoming the master of death. I mean, it was impossible for someone to harness so much power to themselves to have all three Deathly Hollows.

But it surely was a blessing to have the cloak when you were trying to sneak in the hallways of Hogwarts in the middle of the night, trying not to get caught. It was almost a month since we all successfully turned into our Animagus form. None of us still weren't able to get over the animals that represented us...I mean, why on earth was I a lion from all of the animals I could be?

Now the full moon was nearing on us once more, and we had to get prepared for what's to come. This full moon will be different, since Remus won't be alone anymore, but we still have to use every way we can to make his suffering easier. Up until now, I had been making the Wolfsbane potion for him, and with just my luck I had run out from one of the main ingredients.

It wasn't an easy task to make it all the way down to the dungeons and into the potions classroom, where Slughorn kept all his ingredients. I just hope that he won't notice some of it gone tomorrow, but maybe he'll be in a better mood when it's all returned by one of his favourite students.

I looked down at the Marauders map in my hands and smiled at the new introduction it had, with new names. Since we got out Animagus forms, we had to find fitting nicknames for each one of us. Of course only the Marauders names were on the map, but I still had a nickname as well. Peter was fittingly called Wormtail, which he was quite pleased with. James was called Prongs and Sirius was called Padfoot. I got my nickname the instant my Animagus form was revealed to the others. I was called the Lionheart.

Finally I successfully made my way to the potions classroom, where I was able to take the invisibly cloak off. "Right then," I huffed and walked over to the ingredient table that was on my right side.

Since it was already dark, and no moon light made it through the water into the underwater classroom, I decided to use the Lumos spell to give me light. But immediately as I did it, there was another bright light appearing right behind me. I sighed deeply and carefully turned around to face the person who had caught me straight in action. But it definitely wasn't the person I expected it to be.

"Severus," I breather, blinking my eyes in confusion, while staring at the greasy haired boy who was standing not too far from me, his wand tightly in his hand.

Even he seemed to be surprised by my presence in the classroom, when I think he was probably hoping to catch one of the Marauders in doing something that wasn't allowed. His eyes stared at me, and then he quietly cleared his throat. "What are you doing here Miss Blue?"

"Miss Blue?" I scoffed sarcastically, making him furrow his eyebrows. "One would think us to be that familiar with each other for not to use Mister or Miss."

He sighed and lowered his wand a little. "You are not supposed to be here, Aurora," he tried again. I gulped a little, but then turned around towards the stand again. "I know...but this is something I need to have," I muttered and lifted up the small vile.

This made him become even more confused. "And why do you need Wolfsbane flowers? You know that they are highly poisonous?"

I nodded my head slightly. "Yes...but I can not tell you why," my voice broke a little as I was about to take all my stuff and leave the classroom with ease. But I was soon stopped by Severus, who made me look at him with his actions.

Lionheart (HP universe FF) / (Marauders era)Where stories live. Discover now