13~ A New Tomorrow That Starts Today

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Holy shit. I just realised I only have 5 (and about 300 words) of pre written chapter.

This is for reasons such as:
1. Procrastination (I am genuinley supreme at this)
2. No motivation... At all (I'm really sorry but I just couldn't bring myself to write, or read, or draw or anything except for smash people on pvp Minecraft :/)
3. Mild writers block- I know what I want to write, but I just... Can't. If anyone who is reading this is a writer too I hope y'all understand that and that I'm not a freak :).

So (even though I've been told off for this by my readers for this) I apologise for making the gap between chapters larger, the (kinda) shitty writing and the overall vibe that I'm giving off.

I'm also really sorry for how short this chapter is, I couldn't really think of what to put but anyway...

Hope you enjoy :)

(and thank you to like everyone who reads, votes and comments. It means so much to me when I get a new reading list or a new comment or vote or read because it means your enjoying it)

A/N #2

Jesus s h i t

So basically I was on holiday and had no WiFi so my sis had to hotspot me n it was pretty average and I'm like 99.9% sure that I published this and I come to publish the next chapter today, n like apparently this isn't published?!

I'm so sorry guys for the delay n crappy writing n everything.

I hope you enjoy

Percy's POV

I bowed my head as soon as I heard the door close behind me.

Well done. You've really fucked shit up now.

I felt my heart crack, the healed wounds from so long ago breaking open.

My hand left the door handle and I began to slowly make my walk of shame to the descending staircase.

"I'm sorry Jason" I whispered to myself "I'm sorry that I'm not good enough"

Just as I reached the descent I stopped. A faint sound coming from behind me rang in the otherwise silent atmosphere.

I listened out for a couple of minutes; slow, quiet sobs hung in the air.

The guilt penetrated me, holding me down, drowning me.

You should be with him at this time. This is stupid and you know it.

I bit my lip, nervous.

It's time to swallow your pride.

I inhaled heavily before steeling my resolve, turning around and opening the door to our- his bedroom.

Jason was curled into a small ball, sobs racking his body.

He looked so frail.

"Oh Jason"

I ran over him, practically jumping on the bed before I pulled him close to me, holding his body as he cried, being strong enough for both of us to survive.

"I'm not going to leave you Jase, I'm sorry. I didn't think about you, I was foolish and by God, you don't deserve this"

He didn't respond, hiding his face in my chest.

I felt my heart tighten as I heard him cry.

This is your fault. You did this.

I stroked his head as I continued "Jason you're the fucking best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you so fucking much"

I felt his arms tighten around me, pulling himself as close as possible to my cold frame.

"I love you Jase" I murmured, tousling his soft hair between my fingers.


Jason's POV

I looked up at Percy, flashing him a weak smile before looking back down to the plate of food in front of me.

"Uh- Perce?" I asked, clearing my throat.

He looked up, his deep eyes riddled with guilt "Yeah?"

His voice was dry, croaky.

"I was-uh- wondering why you... why you don't want kids?"

He looked down before releasing a large sigh and setting down his cutlery.

"I mean I know I'm being silly and all that"

I frowned "What is it?"

"I don't want to be like him" Percy mumbled in a small voice.

It took me a second.



I reached out my hand, placing it gently on top of his and holding it tightly.

"Percy." I began, blinking away the tears forming in my eyes.

"You are not perfect. You're better than that, you're human." I looked him in the eyes, seeing the mountains of sadness and trauma surfacing.
"You're as good as you are bad, as kind as you aren't. And yes, you will make mistakes, but we all do. And you're mine. Your mistakes are my mistakes, your pains and fears are mine. Everything you go through I will go through by your side."

I reached forward, gently wiping the tears cascading from his eyes away.

"You may not be perfect. But you are to me, every imperfection only makes you more special, more unique. I love you and you must believe me when I tell you that you could never be like him, there's too much love, too much goodness in your heart"

I smiled at him

"I know that you will love our kids as much as me, you would lay down your life for me, for them."

He gave me a weak smile

"Percy, I will say this as many times as you will need to hear it, but it's time to let go of your fears, of your history. The past does not define you, only what you choose to do with your life. You just have to let go, a new tomorrow that starts today"

I stood up from the table, limping over to him and wrapping his body in my arms.

"Sure, you're damaged, badly damaged but you're not beyond repair"

He leant up, placing a light kiss on my cheek

"I love you so much, Percy Jackson"

"I love you more"

"I love you most

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