A Nightmare

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Ghost's P.O.V

I am running in a forest. I don't know why or how come. But I suddenly open my eyes and find myself standing in the middle in a black room.

"Ghost." Someone said. I spin around. I stop. Is that Ty? I don't move. He is hurt badly. How?

"Chose." Someone said. I turn around.


"Hi honey." Dad said.

"Don't call me honey. Not after what you did. Did you hurt Ty?"

"No." Dad said.

"What do you mean chose?"

"It is either Ty or me. Chose." Dad said. I will chose Ty.

"Ty. It will always be Ty." I can't move all of a sudden. Ty is right next to me.

"If I can;t have you Ghost. No one can." Dad said. Dad has always been a sorcerer. I go on the ground. Dad runs at Ty before we can even react. Dad's arm turns into a sword and goes through Ty's chest.

"NO!" I start crying. I open my eyes and sit up. I pull my covers off of my and sit on the edge of my bed. I put my face in my hands.

"Only a nightmare." This one was the worst of all. I look at the clock. 3 am. Great. I can't go back to sleep. I get ready for the day and walk down the hallway. I stop. I slide down to the floor. My dad is a murder. Knowing that he would kill Ty to get me is something that I can't wrap my head around. How can I protect Ty if I am the reason he could get seriously hurt or even killed? I hug my knees. I love Ty, but I don't want for him to get hurt because of me. I look up.

"Ghost you okay?" Sky asks.

"I'm fine." I know that he will not accpet that answer. That's what I like about Sky. He knows when something is wrong with someone. I can see why Kitty likes him.

"Then why are you up this late?" Sky asks. I was about to ask why he was, but I already know the answer. Sky stays up all night if he is busy. He must be busy. I hide my face in my knees. Sky kneels in front of me.

"Nightmares?" Sky asks. I peek through my legs.

"How you know?"

"Why else would you be up this late? How long?" Sky asks.

"Since we got rid of Withermu."

"What are they about?" Sky asks. I look at him. I tell him the one I just had. He sits down next to me. I look at him.

"Wow that's horrific. If you think that Ty is ever in danger tell one of us. Don't take things in your own hands unless you know what your doing is right." Sky said.

"How is it you know how to make me feel better? Matter of fact you always know what to say to people to make them feel better." Sky looks at me.

"Really?" Sky asks.

"Yeah. Thanks." We stand up.

"If I were you I would tell Ty." Sky said.

"That would be best." We walk down the hallway.

"Why are you up? Let me guess your busy."

"No I'm just not tired." Sky said. Not tired? I don't buy it. I was about to say something.

"Ghost." Someone said. I turn around. That sounded like my dad.

"What?" Sky asks.

"Nothing." I go into the training area. I stop and turn on the lights. The place is big. I walk in. If I tell Ty I had a nightmare about how he dies, that will make me sound crazy right? But yet how come he is haunting me now. I put him in the past. He murdered our family in front of me. I am sure that is what he wants to do to me. I felt like I couldn't trust anyone. Then I meant Jess, Tay, and Kitty. Then came the boys. They are my family. The only ones I have left and yet I still feel a little broken inside. I pick up a bow and some arrows. I start shooting at a target. It was just a nightmare. No way it could come true.

Well first chapter! I decide to write about Ghostrock666. I was going to do something else, but I liked this story. The song is Behind these Hazel Eyes by Kelly Clarkson. This is the nightcore version. Listen to the normal. It's a great song.

Til the next chapter! BBBYYYYEEEEEE!!!! :)


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