Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

We rushed forward and soon the air was filled the agonizingly haunting cries of the dying. “Don’t think, just kill!” I heard Steve shout just ahead of me. I took his advice and struck down whatever was in my reach, and I didn’t have the heart to look at my work. I shed my mind of all thoughts regarding Loki. After only 20 minutes of fighting, I felt weak, but I kept fighting out of desperation. I heard behind me the chaotic stampede of what sounded like a few hundred bodies, human or not I couldn’t tell. I turned around and there stood before me a large group of human men, both young and old. They were in poor shape for battle, with most of them wearing no more than a simple piece of armor on their chest and holding a small pistol, kitchen knives, or hunting rifles. I respected them for being so brave. They knew that they were probably going to die. You could see it in their eyes. Within the army, if you could call it that, were a few young boys probably between the ages of 12 and 15. It hurt me to see children, children, striding bravely into battle. My train of thought was interrupted by the voice of Nocturne. “Ha! You think that a group of humans can defeat me? What mockery! What foolishness! You, humans, will die the most painful death of all, I swear to it,” he sneered. While I was distracted, a frost giant dashed towards me, a dagger of ice in hand. I stood, stupefied, and just as the frost giant swung his dagger towards my heart, someone shoved me out of the way. I heard a voice cry out in pain, and then the familiar sound of the shriek of a fallen frost giant. Not 3 feet away from me lay the dead body of my attacker, and by it lay the one who had saved me. I rushed towards the small and fragile body of my savior, a boy no more than 13. I slumped down on my knees next to him and studied him to see if he was alive. He moaned in pain as I touched the dagger that was protruding from his chest. I gently removed the dagger from him. “Thank you” the boy said faintly. “No… Thank you” I said softly, brushing the caramel colored hair from his face, revealing his large, hazel eyes that stared off into the distance. “My name is Nathaniel” he said. I felt tears coming to my eyes. “Then thank you, Nathaniel. My name is Madelyn… You’re a true hero,” I said, stroking his hair. He groaned as he reached up to hold my hand. “That sounds nice…” he said, barely loud enough for me to hear. A small smile appeared on his face as his hand went limp in mine. He was gone. I laid his hand on his chest and cried softly as I stood up and rushed forward into the battle. I was furious. A boy had just died in my arms, and I did nothing. He’s the real hero here. I yelled in anger as I plunged my sword into the leg of one of those gigantic creatures, having it tumble to the ground and crushing the yellow skinned aliens (which I have nicknamed the Rotting) and frost giants under it. I rushed forward, blinded by my rage. I killed everything that was in my path. Suddenly, I felt arms encase me. I screamed and struggled, but it was no use. I looked up to face my captor. I froze as I stared into the navy eyes of Nocturne.

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