Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

"How's Thor doing?" I asked Loki. I walked towards Loki and Thor. "I'm fine." Thor said. I guess he was awake and strong enough to talk. "Good, because we have a lot of walking ahead of us. There's a road just above us and a city across the water. I assume that we can find a place to stay in the city." I said. My teeth started chattering. I didn't want to complain, since I knew Loki and Thor were in the same boat. "Ok, let's start walking then." Loki said. He took a step towards me and laid a comforting kiss on my forehead. I looked up at him, smiling. "Thanks" I said. Thor continued to stare at us in bewilderment. I don't think he really realized that Loki and I were together. Thor stood up and shot a look at Loki. He just laughed. He took my hand and we started walking up towards the road. Luckily, there was a path so we didn't have to climb up the rocky cliff in the dark. We got to the road soon enough. There were still a good amount of cars on the road. I started to shake because I was so cold. Loki noticed and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in next to him. Thor studied us closely. "I take it you two are... together, now?" He asked, already knowing the answer. I looked up at Loki and he looked down at me. We smiled at each other. I had never had someone look at me that way before. "Yes, we are. Madelyn is the best thing that's happened to me in my hard and miserable life." Loki said. Oops, maybe not the best thing to say. Thor was going to get jealous. "She's the best thing that's happened to you? What about me, brother?" Thor said jealously. Loki groaned. "Yes, she is. I don't know why you are so upset, when Jane is the most important person to you and I'm not jealous at all." Loki said defensively. "Boys, stop." I said, before the argument could get any more serious. "Sorry, dear." Loki said and kissed my forehead. By now we were about half way across the bridge. We were making good time. I was starting to lose feeling in my hands and feet because I was so cold. I forced myself to keep walking forward, but soon I needed to stop. I walked over to the side of the bridge and started taking deep breaths. "Are you ok, sweetheart?" Loki said, laying his hands on my shoulders. "Of course. I'm just having a hard time with my hands and feet. You don't need to worry." I said. He shook his head in disagreement. "Nonsense. Jump on my back." He said. "No Lo-" I started. "Nope. Come on then." He interrupted. I knew he wouldn't let it go, so I gestured for him to lean down. I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. Thor walked behind us. I could tell he was a bit upset, but he was happy for his baby brother.

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