Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

I acquired multiple hugs from everyone, mostly Jane and Pepper. Both were quite envious of my engagement, for they had been dating for years and still no proposal. “The one good thing that comes from an engagement is the bachelor party,” Tony said, grinning. Of course, Tony can never get partying and alcohol out of his intelligent mind. Put the two together and you’ve got a done deal. All the men were soon gathered at one side of the room while the woman stood giggling across the room. The attention was quite to my liking. I was usually just looked past, ignored, not to be bothered with, but now I was all that mattered. “How did he propose?!” Jane squealed. I told everyone the story, and as dull as it was, all of the woman continued to giggle happily. The men had just started to drink when I reminded myself about Nocturne. We didn’t have the time for a party. We needed to focus on Nocturne. “What?” Natasha asked, noticing my abrupt silence. “Forget the party. We need to find Nocturne,” I said sternly. Natasha nodded and started walking towards the men, gesturing for me to follow. “Stark, call off the drinks. We need to get down to business. Now.” Natasha said powerfully. “Calm down, ginger!” Tony laughed. He was already drunk. Natasha’s eyes filled with anger and grabbed Tony by his beer stained t-shirt. “What the hell did you just call me?” She said to Tony, barely an inch from his face. “Nothing, nothing at all,” he said, still laughing. Natasha let go of his shirt and turned to walk away. “So that proves that gingers have no souls,” Tony snickered just loud enough for Natasha to hear. She stopped in her tracks and turned around. She strode up to him and slapped him hard across his left cheek. “Do you really want to do this right now, Stark?” she said coldly, clenching her fists. “No no! I know, we should be serious right now. You know that’s not my specialty!” he said defensively. “Save it. We all need to talk,” she said.

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