Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

A cold chill ran down my spine as I came to realize what I had just read. Nocturne was going to do everything in his power to ruin everything, and he had a lot of power. I couldn’t tell Loki. It would just add more stress than needed. I couldn’t do that to him. “Is everything all right, dear?” Loki asked. I quickly closed my hand, hiding the cube and note inside. “Yes, of course!” I said a little too cheerily. He looked suspicious, but he let it go. Before he could as any more questions, I said, “I’m going to take a shower. I’m filthy,” I said casually. Loki nodded. I smiled guiltily at him. I quickly walked into the washroom and undressed. I looked into the mirror. A woman, barely more than a girl, with pale skin and long curly black hair. Me. I am that girl. I’m nothing special. I’m not indescribably beautiful. I’m just me, and there is nobody who can change that. Not even Loki. I turned on the water in the shower, but to find a terrible surprise awaiting me. Instead of water, a crimson liquid came poring out of the shower head. I cautiously stuck my finger into the liquid. I licked my finger. The salty, and slightly bitter taste of blood fell onto my taste buds. I let out a tiny scream as I watched billions of black spiders crawl out of the drain and onto me. I flailed around and lost my balance as I tried to shake the spiders off. I fell flat on my back, landing with a loud thud. The breath was knocked out of me. I gasped for air, but it wasn’t coming to me. Loki burst into the washroom, looking very distraught. I tried to signal that I was ok by flailing my arms and shaking my head. He couldn’t see me completely exposed like this, just not yet. Loki grabbed a towel and rushed over to me. He carefully sat me up and wrapped the towel around me. I took desperate, tiny breaths of air. Loki helped me stand up. My legs gave out from underneath me in seconds. I finally regained my ability to breath normally. I mustered the words “I’m fine” between breaths. Loki ignored me and continued to pick me up and carry me to the bed. I wrapped the towel closer around me and curled up, tucking my knees into my chest.  “Loki… You didn’t have to do that. I’m perfectly fine,” I said, doing my best to sound normal. He frowned. “Irrelevant. You were in pain. You’re my darling, and when you need rescuing. I’ll be there for you, always,” he said calmly, letting a soft, subtle smile appear on his pale face. We continued to sit in silence, myself still recovering from the events that had unfolded moments ago. “I do not believe that you were clumsy enough to fall on your own. Now tell me, what happened?” Loki asked worriedly.

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