Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

Everyone talked and joked lightheartedly for about an hour. I started dozing off, leaning on Loki. “Dear, I think I’m going to go to bed. By the way, we are sharing a room… and a bed.” I said drowsily. “Ok. I think I’m going to go to bed, too. I’m exhausted!” He said, stroking my hair. I stood up and walked over to Pepper. “Hey, Pepper. Can you show Loki and I to our room?” I said quietly.  Pepper nodded and stood up. “Good night everyone,” I said as quietly as possible, but not so quiet that nobody could hear. Nobody looked up, besides Loki. He walked over to me and slid his hand in mine. Our fingers intertwined. Pepper led us to our room. It was at the end of a small hallway that contained about 5 other rooms. Our room was a fair size. It had one bathroom that included a shower, sink, and mirror. The bed could fit 2 people easily. There were small tables on each side of the bed. It reminded me of a hotel. On the end of the bed, there were two pears of pajamas. One looked like a dress, but lightweight, and not fancy. It was white. The other was also white and lightweight, but it was a shirt and pants instead of a dress. I thanked Pepper and she walked out, shutting the door behind her. Loki and I stood in an awkward silence. “I am going to change into that night gown now…” I said, breaking the silence. He nodded and said “Ok. I’ll change too.” I walked over to the bed and picked up the night gown. I walked into the washroom and shut the door. I finally had some time to myself. To be alone with my own thoughts. I undressed quickly and slid on the night gown. It was soft and comfortable. I continued to stare at my reflection in the mirror, in a daze. I blinked and turned away. I opened the door and walked out. Loki walked past me, and into the washroom. He smiled as he passed me. I laid down in the bed and slid under the covers. I slowly started to fall asleep. I felt Loki crawl into the bed next to me. I felt his cold hands slide down my arms gently. He moved in close, and he covered my hands with his. “Madelyn…” He whispered in my ear. “Yes?” I whispered back. “I’ve been a fool for not asking this before. Will you be my goddess, my queen, my everything? Will you marry me?” He whispered so softly I could barely hear. I felt a wave of happiness come over me. For the first time in many years, I felt tears coming to my eyes. I had forgotten how it felt to cry. I rolled over to face him. “Yes. A thousand times yes,” I said, smiling as tears ran down my face. “But why me?” I said. “Because you were there for me, when I had no one. You understand me like no other. You were kind enough to see the good in me, after all the pain and terror I had caused. I love you,” He said softly. I started crying even harder. I couldn’t talk, I could barely breath. Loki wiped away my tears with his thumbs. He caressed my face with his hands, comforting me. I finally regained control of myself after 10 minutes of crying.

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