Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

I found everyone in the large conference room, eating breakfast. “Look who escaped the grasp of the evil Loki! Welcome back!” Tony exclaimed. I ignored his criticism and continued to smile. “Good morning everyone!” I said cheerily. Everybody said ‘good morning’ in some way or another. “Where is your pet?” Natasha said. “He’s showering” I said happily. I refused to let anyone ruin the day. Nobody was going to step on me like a rug that had been repeatedly beaten and stepped on. Before there was another chance for someone to cut down another’s pride, Jane called me over to sit by her. To her left was Thor, and to her right were two empty seats. I smiled and happily strode over to the empty spot by her. A young woman placed a plate of food in front of me that consisted of toast, jam, eggs, and sausage. It looked quite good. The woman walked away before I could thank her. I finished the meal within 10 minutes and I continued to sit very quietly, not willing to disturb anyone. Loki strode in, looking very proud. I looked down at my plate so nobody could see me grinning. He walked to the head of the table. I stood up quietly and joined him. I clenched his hand in mine as he stared down at me. “Can I ask for everyone’s attention for a moment?” Loki said. Everyone turned to us. “Madelyn and I are engaged. To be married.” He said calmly. I looked down shyly. “I have something for you,” he said quietly so only I could hear. He pulled out a ring of cloth. I recognized the pattern from the sheets in the bedroom. It was purely white with black lacing and embroidery. It was just a limp piece of fabric, but to me it was much more. He carefully slid it onto my ring finger, smiling. “I know it isn’t a real ring, but-” he began, but I interrupted him by throwing myself onto him and kissing his soft lips vigorously. “Shush. It’s beautiful. I love it with all my heart and soul, just like I love you. Thank you,” I said softly. I heard Jane squeal happily. I turned to face everyone. They were all smiling at Loki and I. The room soon echoed with laughter and congratulations, instead of the silence of the morning.

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