Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

"Ah, the House of Odin." Loki sighed. In front of us stood an enormous golden castle. Since we walked so slow, the sun was setting. Evening, my favorite time of day. The sun always looked so unnatural, so different than during the day. The sky was a fiery crimson, which made the castle shine. I couldn't look at it, it was too bright. We walked past the multiple guards, and went to find Thor. We usually went and talked to him after I trained with Loki everyday. "Where could he be?" Loki mumbled to himself. He usually met us at the entrance. We walked past his chambers, and then past Loki's. I couldn't help sneaking a look inside. I saw returned my gaze to the hall. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Loki looking down at me. I turned to look at him.

"Yes?" I grinned. He just looked away. I chuckled a bit. He can be so ridiculous sometimes. We walked past the throne room where we saw Odin and Thor conversing. I grabbed Loki's arm. "Look! There he is!" I whispered. What could they possibly be talking about. I pulled Loki behind a wall.

"What are you doing?" Loki whispered back. I rolled my eyes. I thought he was supposed to be smart.

"We can't let them see us!" I hissed. He smirked. I heard Odin's gruff voice call out, "I know you are there, Loki and Madelyn. Come out." I frowned. I knew we couldn't truly hide, but it's always fun. Loki never really plays along.

"Coming, father." Loki said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards Thor and Odin.

"You two are such children." Thor laughed. I rolled my eyes and laughed. Loki, however, didn't take it too well. He doesn't like being made fun of.

"Quiet, brother. We may act like children, but Madelyn won against me today. You probably don't want to get her angry." He said seriously, but his eyes were soft. I grinned. They both liked teasing me about my attitude because I'm so sweet. I haven't struck out at anyone before. I certainly get mad and get into arguments, but not often. I control my temper very well, unlike Thor. Loki makes jokes out of most things. Not to say he doesn't take things seriously, he is just mature enough not to argue about everything. In fact, Loki is absolutely brilliant... of course, we saw that shine through last year when he tried to take over Midgard. I was completely shocked when I heard about the news. First off, that he was alive, and second, that he had murdered innocent people and tried to take over the world. I didn't believe it. I knew Loki was troubled, a trickster, a tortured soul. I understood him. That's why we're such good friends and why we get along so well. Why I forgave him for what he'd done. He's fine now, no more evil plans and such. He was on the good side now.

"I have news for you, brother. Madelyn, you may listen if you care to." Thor said. I knew something bad had happened.

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