Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:

We talked for an hour or so, devising our plan of attack. We eventually decided to just find him, and go from there. We knew nothing about his strategy, or if he even had one. We suited up and climbed onto some sort of flying machine that was able to hold us all. “We’re going to be fine, don’t worry” Loki said to me, reassuring himself more than me. He held my small hands in his, savoring our last moments together before we were rushed into battle. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Steve said. His eyes were sad. It was a quiet ride. Nobody talked. We were too busy thinking. We all knew that this would be no easy battle, and that we might not all make it. “We know where he is, right?” I asked, breaking the silence. “Yeah, he’s around the center of the city. We’ll be landing any second now.” Bruce said. My heart started to beat faster and faster. My hands were starting to shake a little. I felt the aircraft descending. I shut my eyes for a few seconds, trying to calm down and think. “Ready?” Loki asked. I opened my eyes and stared into his, both of us with a determined look on our faces. “Ready,” and with that, the large door opened and we stepped out into the glaring sunlight. What awaited us, we could never have imagined. Hundreds of the large creatures I had killed, stood before us. Along with them were thousands of aliens that I had never seen before. They had dark, dark skin with a slight yellow tint. They looked almost, rotten. They stood at about 8 feet tall and they held weapons of every kind. They had tiny black eyes that made the creatures look stupefied. I gasped. Hundreds of frost giants were also a part of the army. But how? They were destroyed! I couldn’t fathom the sheer size of the army, let alone how long we could survive. Then, atop one of the giant dog-like creatures, was Nocturne. He had changed since the last time I had seen him, but I could recognize his large, cruel, navy colored eyes anywhere. On his head sat a helmet of black spikes made of glass. I realized, looking closer, that the glass spikes were protruding from his face, too, and that the helmet was simply a hat that the spikes could show through. His skin was pale, even more so than Loki’s, and covered in multiple scars from where the glass had been sewn in. He wore all black. His armor shone in the light, and looked brand new. It stuck fairly close to his body. He held in his hand a large scepter with a small, red ball on top. And then he looked at me. Right into my eyes. It felt like he pierced my soul. He smirked, showing rows of sharp black teeth. “Attack!” He shrieked, and, just like that, it started.

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