Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

At first, everyone was full of energy, and willing to negotiate. After about 30 minutes of everyone arguing and still no change, I got up to look out any window I could find. The sun was already starting to set. It disappointed me, knowing that the day was almost over and we hadn’t done anything to try and stop Nocturne. We had wasted our time. I watched the sun set over the ocean. It was beautiful. The sun glowed red and bright, like in Asgard. I missed home. I walked back to the table. Everyone was still arguing. “We have to go find Nocturne! As soon as possible!” “No, he will come to us! We have to be patient!” “Are you insane? If we wait, he will murder every poor soul, while we sit here and have a tea party! We have to go search for him!” And so on. No, of course that’s not all they talked about. There was discussion about how to find him, where, when, and what to do when and if they did. “They’re still going at it, huh?” said someone behind me. I turned around. There was a young woman with freckles and  red hair. “Hi. I’m Pepper Potts. I’m Tony’s girlfriend. You are…?” Pepper said. I stared at her, still a bit confused. “Uh, nice to meet you Pepper. I’m Madelyn… Loki’s girlfriend.” I said. She smiled. “A lot of girlfriends here… You, Jane, and I. I’m sorry I didn’t come out earlier, I was getting all the rooms ready. I wasn’t expecting this many people, so some people might have to share rooms. Maybe the couples can share rooms.” she said. Loki and I would have to share a room? Sleep in the same bed? Deep down, I felt excited and eager. But I was nervous too. “That’s ok… Wow, this is quite boring,” I said. I really was bored. I didn’t have anything to say. “Sure is! Do you, me, and Jane want to go talk?” she asked. I looked at everyone arguing. Nobody would notice if I left. Everyone except Tony, Thor, and Steve, looked bored. “That would be fun. Should we invite anyone else?” I said, trying to hint that everyone was bored. “Yeah! The more the merrier, right?” she said cheerfully. I pretended to understand what she said. “Uh, yes?” I said uncertainly. She smiled at me. “Hey! Everyone who is not arguing can come with us to relax, talk, whatever! Just follow Madelyn and I!” she announced. Everyone looked up except for Tony, Thor, and Steve of course. Jane immediately stood up, same with Clint and Natasha. Bruce stayed. Loki slowly stood up too. I was happy that Loki was coming, I would have someone to talk to. Pepper led the way through a labyrinth of hallways. We walked into a  large room at the end of a long hallway. The room had 4 couches, a television, and what looked like a kitchen.

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