Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

An hour into the boat ride and I was really not feeling good at all. I felt like I was tumbling down an abyss, and I wouldn’t be hitting the bottom any time soon. I just hoped and prayed that wherever we were going to, it wasn’t underwater. The ocean struck fear into me like no other. I crawled into a ball and leaned against Loki. “Are you ok sweetheart?” Loki asked. I looked up at him. “I’m fine, thanks,” I said reassuringly. If I knew Loki, then I knew he wouldn’t believe me. He began to gently run his fingers through my thick hair. When I was little, my mother would do that to help me fall asleep. To this day it still makes me fall asleep. I felt myself starting to doze off. I let myself. I felt safe, and calm. The same nightmare came back. The one where Loki was drowning under that water, and I couldn’t do a thing to help him. This time, I heard laughing. It was in my head. It wasn’t evil laughing, it was more… teasing, and taunting. Loki shook me awake. “What?” I said drowsily. “You were crying, and your hands were shaking…” Loki said. He looked worried. I sat up, shocked. Everyone was gawking at me. I had nowhere to hide. I was determined not to be sick because I would look weak. Now everyone had seen me cry. Nothing could have made me look weaker. “I… I had a nightmare, but I didn’t realize I was crying. I don’t even remember crying,” I said quietly. “It’s ok. Everyone has nightmares,” Natasha said. “Yeah, but nobody cries over them,” Tony said. I felt like a bus had hit me, then a train, then a rocket. That hit me down deep. “Be. Quiet. I’m sure you’ve cried before!” I yelled at Tony. I was furious, and embarrassed. Everyone was silent after that. It was an awkward silence. Not that peaceful quiet when you wake up early in the morning and nobody is up. It was like I was performing in front of an audience, and I just messed up center stage. That kind of silence. It was terrible. Loki finally broke the silence. “Er, how much longer until we get to base?” he asked calmly. In my mind I thanked him a thousand times for saying something. “We’re here!” Chris said. I didn’t seen anything, just open ocean. What was he talking about?

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