Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

“What do we tell the others?” I said, my voice still shaky from crying. “We tell them the truth. In this time of darkness, we must give them light.” He said. Words of wisdom. I nodded sleepily. I was exhausted. I just wanted to sleep. I rested my head on his chest. He lovingly stroked my hair. I fell asleep in minutes. I wondered if it was just a dream, a figment of my imagination. I relived the moment a thousand times over in my sleep. I dreamt that Loki was softly kissing my neck. I awoke to find that it was real. A soft light was shining through a lonely window in the room. Loki truly was kissing my neck. He realized I was awake, and slowly moved his mouth to my chin. Then to my cheek, and then finally to my lips. I embraced his morning kisses. “Good morning, my love,” he said, smiling. I could definitely get used to my mornings starting like this. “Morning. I’m excited to tell everyone the news!” I said, grinning. “What news?” He said, confused. Oh gods… was it just a dream? “The… news about… us getting married…?” I said hesitantly. Loki looked bewildered. “I don’t recall that ever happening, my dear,” He said. I sighed and put my head down so he couldn’t see the disappointment flood into my eyes. Loki put his hand under my chin and pulled my head up so I would be forced to look at his eyes. “Madelyn… I’m lying. Of course I remember. I remember everything,” he said, smiling guiltily. I should have known. He’s the God of Mischief! Nobody is as talented a liar as him! I groaned and rolled my eyes, pretending to be put off, but anyone could see that I was just playing. As I started to get off the bed, my foot landed on something hard. Something that was not the floor. I lifted up my foot to find a cube. It was black as the night sky, but it shone and sparkled like the sun. It shouldn’t have been there. I knew it was from Nocturne. I reached my hand down to pick it up. It was cold as ice and smooth as velvet. It fit into the palm of my hand perfectly. I turned it over in my hand, studying it. I found a small note waiting for me on one side. I unfolded it, careful not to damage it. It read ‘Congratulations on your engagement. I do hope that nothing goes wrong on your wedding day, and that no harm comes to your dearly beloved. -Nocturne’

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