Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Loki carried me to the elevator, through many twisting halls that all looked exactly the same, and to our rooms that were right next to each other. He finally let me get off of his back. I was still cold and wet, but I had regained feeling everywhere. I took out the piece of plastic that would somehow open my room. I looked at the door handle. I saw a slit that looked like it would fit the key. I slid the key in and tried to open the door. Nothing. “Like this…” Thor took my key. He slid it in, waited for a beep and a little green light to come on, and pulled the key out and opened the door. “What are you? Midgard extraordinaire?” Loki said sarcastically. The three of us laughed for a moment. Thor gave me back my key and I walked into my room. I felt the walls for some kind of light switch. I found it and turned the lights on. “Wow” I said to myself. The room was large. It hard a big bed that could easily fit two people. There was a washroom, a sitting area, a television (the woman in the lobby had mentioned it), and two bedside tables with a lamp on each. It was nicer than my room in Asgard. I noticed a door by the washroom. I went to open it. It didn’t open. I noticed there was a lock, so I unlocked it. It still didn’t open. I assumed it led to Thor and Loki’s room. I knocked softly on the door. I heard a click on the other side. I put my hand on the knob. I stood there for a moment. I took my hand of the knob. If Loki wanted to see me, then he would have to open the door. Not I. I left my side unlocked. I slid off my boots and dropped them by the main door. I slid off my black and dark purple pants and top. I was just in my undergarments. I walked into the bathroom to hang my clothes up. I looked into the mirror. My hair was in dark, wet curls that hung over my shoulders. My eyes were dark and cold. My face was pale. I wasn’t beautiful. What did Loki see in me? I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to get out any knots. I turned off the light in the bathroom and the light in the main room and I flung myself onto the bed. I sighed happily. I climbed under the soft, warm covers and I was asleep within minutes. I dreamt of Loki. We were laughing. I don’t know why, but we were both laughing. My dream turned into a nightmare. We were in the ocean. I saw Loki flailing underneath the water, trying to get to the surface, but someone, or something, kept me from diving under the water and saving him. I thrashed and screamed, but I couldn’t move. I suddenly woke up to hear knocking on the main door. I quickly turned on the lamp by my bed. “Who is it?” I called out. “Thor and Loki!” They called back. I realized I was still in my undergarments. “Uh… Not the best time! I’ll open the door in a second!” I said back. I dashed to the bathroom. “Robe… robe… Robe! Found you!” I grabbed a white robe and flung it on. I quickly tied it and ran to the door and opened it. “Morning! Sorry about that…” I said. They nodded their hands understandingly. I gestured for them to come in. “How are you guys already up?” I said. It had to be really early in the morning. “We woke up a while ago.” Thor said cheerfully. “Come sit down” I said and walked over to the sitting area. Thor sat on one couch and Loki and I sat on another. “Good morning my love” Loki said softly and kissed my cheek. I smiled and said “Good morning to you too, handsome.” Loki put his arm around my shoulder and I laid my head on his shoulder. “We don’t exactly have time for romance. We need to figure out where Nocturne is and I need to find Jane” Thor said.

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