Cyber Hug

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Hello my Kami and Brandon Lovers,

Time is getting near and the count down as started (which is posted on the blog page) to the release of this wonderful story so many of you have laughed, cry, scream, and put to the side just to pick it back up again. So thank you for all the support you have shown me, because if it wasn’t for you this story wouldn’t be where it is today.

Since I posted the release of ‘Becoming the Good Girl’s Husband it gotten to the top 1000 books on Amazon out of a million others, which is beyond amazing. It’s getting more popular by the minute and it’s all because of you, so thank you for all the remarkable support you have given me over the past few years. If you yet to get the book it is free on Amazon till Nov. 19 (link will be in the bottom comments)

I know I love getting free things and I’m almost betting you do to. Will if you yet sign up for my blog then what are you waiting for. Once you sign up there is more free goodies waiting for you and all you have to do is type in your email and hit submit and check your email and confirm first then the free gives will come (Direct Link will be in comments)

Now I normally don’t read review because they make me nerves, but I’ve been reading the once posted on Goodreads and it brings a smile to my face seeing what you all think. If you yet to post a review on what you feel about the story then please go to the M2BB link and write a review because I’m really want to see what you all think.

Don’t forget I have a few social media accounts out there also, so if you like to connect outside Wattpad and become closer as friends then like my Facebook and Twitter account and let’s become real friends. (Direct Link will be in comments)

Till the earth goes around once more time and brings back the sun I’ll have to say bye, but not goodbye for I will be back.

With Love, Letty Scott

P.S. Don’t forget to check on the links at the bottom of the comments.

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