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A/N - Long time no see? :)

If you haven't read my past note, I would like to remind you that I decided to drop out of the Inkitt Royalty Program after experiencing my stories with them. I did not agree with some things and some people didn't as well and I always think of my reader's preference more than myself. You are free to keep Inkitt if you want, but all the chapters will now be coming out at the same time on Wattpad, Ao3, and Inkitt. Thank you!!!

The step father and son hugged for another five seconds. Seokjin sighed into his Father’s shoulder as (both good and bad) memories clouded him from his Father's words. Seokjin managed to compose himself and the prince seemed ready to pull back when-

"Wait! Continue hugging! Stay in that position for five more seconds."


Seokjin frowned when he heard a camera's flash go off.


He recognized that voice...

"Okay. You can let go now."

Seokjin pulled back and turned to his right. A shocked silent gasp left his lips and his eyes became wide large circles. As he expected, in front of him stood the one and only,

"Jaebum?" Seokjin raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing here?"

“Hello, prince charming. Haven't seen you around lately.” Jaebum smirked. “You look handsome as always.” Jaebum mumbled the the sentence and only the ones with the greatest hearing would have heard what he had said. The photographer’s smirk had also twitched a bit as he examined the full appearance of Seokjin dressed in his designer's suit.

The prince seemed ready to reprimand his friend (he would often call him an acquaintance just to spur him) that he didn't answer the question, but his Father interrupted any further conversation.

“Kim Namjoon. Please come forward already. You look like a stranger standing all the way back there. I want to meet the future prince of our country.” The King spoke with an amused tone. Seokjin’s attention was redirected back to his step father. The King spoke exactly how Seokjin did. The man would speak as if he was serious, but his facial expressions showed that he never meant any harm. Like father like son, they always teased their 'victim’ in order to loosen them up. Namjoon to this day cannot believe that they were actually not blood related.

Jaehwan had reacted at the King’s words from his side and quickly bowed his head before hurrying down the path again to lead Namjoon and Yoongi. He stood in front of him and gave the two a reassuring smile before he lead them to stand alongside of the King, Seokjin, and Jaebum. Jaehwan bowed his head with another scripted speech that introduced the two before walking back to his previous spot.

Namjoon looked up and gave a respectful bow of his head to the King. Yoongi’s head remained rested on Namjoon's shoulder. The baby’s eyes were half open as they struggled to grow accustomed to the grand room's lights. The fact that Yoongi's head was still laced with sleep did not help one bit. Seokjin stared at his baby from where he stood and got a nervous feeling in his stomach. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea for his father to meet the little when he was still in a dazed state.

“Um, I'm not sure if Yoongi will react so great at meeting someone else. I don't think he has ever met a new person while in his headspace.” Namjoon voiced out Seokjin's own concerns.

“It will only take a minute.” Jaebum piped up from the side. “At least let the King hold him enough for the photo.” Jaebum finished and lifted the camera that hung around his neck for emphasis.

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