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A/N - Merry Christmas Everyone!

The little prince did not mean to run away. Actually, that's a lie. Even in such a young headspace the baby knew he wanted to leave the room the second he spotted the beautiful chandeliers hanging on the ceilings of the large palace. They were just so sparkly and pretty. The glass reflected beautifully with the sun beaming through the windows. A beautiful art piece over the grand stairs. Yoongi just had to get closer.

Now, Yoongi wasn't exactly planning on leaving without letting his caregivers know. At first, he was really having fun playing with his Daddy. His daddy was quicker than him on stacking the blocks over one another and his Daddy would laugh with him when he would hit the stack so all the blocks would go flying. But eventually, Yoongi got bored. After all, he was in a headspace that didn't have such a long attention span. It didn't help that his Daddy suddenly got up in the middle of their playtime too. How rude. The baby, at first, had planned to continue to play by himself until he suddenly caught the sight of movement. Yoongi gazed away from the blocks and over to the door of the office. He gasped.

"ee?" Yoongi called over to the fluffy brown puppy wagging it's tail happily. He was standing at the side of the door, barely visible to the occupants in the room.

Yoongi looked at the puppy for a few seconds, but he pouted when the dog did not come into the room. Instead, the puppy did quite the opposite and left from the door, making itself unseeable to the baby. The baby let out a tiny gasp. Where did the puppy go? His lip wobbled as he looked over to his caregivers. He wanted to let them know about the puppy, but his caregivers weren't paying any mind to him. Their entire attention was on the King and they didn't look happy either.

Yoongi slowly turned back to the door and then back to his caregivers and then back to the door. Yoongi just wanted to play with the puppy. They won't notice if he left for just a moment, right? Before he knew it, he was already crawling towards the door, curiosity getting the best of him.

"ee?" The baby called out once he was outside of the office. He looked around the hallway and gaped at the scenery before him. There were a lot of paintings and a lot of pretty decor on the walls. The halls were also very wide with beautiful lights overhead. Everything looked so big. The baby had been ready to discard any prior plans and outstretched his hand to touch a glass vase when a small yap made him pause.

Yoongi stopped mid-way from grabbing the delicate vase and turned his head towards the sound.

"Ee!" He excitedly said when he saw the brown furry friend. The dog yapped in response before he turned his body forward and began leading the way. Yoongi followed with no hesitation.

Yoongi should have probably been more aware of where he was going, but in his headspace he didn't really think twice of half the decisions he made. He didn't think twice when the puppy led them towards a door at the back of the palace. It was a glass door that was decorated with beautiful flowers of every kind around it. It wasn't until Yoongi gazed past the glass door did he realize why it was covered with so much flowers. Yoongi's eyes twinkled at the scenery in front of him. There was so much greenery. A tall tree stood right at the center of his viewpoint with bushes filled with different berries circling around it. Around the tree, there were different paths that led to different parts of the wide garden. One path led to a beautiful outdoor white porch while the other led to a display of some sort. Alongside the path that led to these areas, there were arrays of flowers that were blooming from the soil. The garden was absolutely beautiful.

Suddenly, the scenery triggered a memory in the baby's head.

"Tae, do...you think its a good idea for me to go to the palace and meet the... King." Yoongi could barely get the sentence out.

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