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Seokjin changed into another warmer coat before pacing around his room to gather his things. The train was about to reach Seoul in a couple of minutes, so he was trying to gather his things and ready himself.

He had styled his hair back in a way that exposed his forehead. His light brown hair radiated along with his eyes and full lips. Everyone would assume he was doing it for the media (that will definitely be there at the arrival), but in reality he simply just enjoyed the look. 

Seokjin had been putting some diamond earrings on when he suddenly saw Yoongi's body stir from the mirror's reflection. His heart had almost stopped, praying to all gods that the baby wouldn't wake up at a time like this, but thankfully it had been just a false alarm. Yoongi only repositioned himself before going back to breathing evenly.

"Hyung~" Seokjin jumped at the knock on his door. He walked over to the door and opened it unenthusiastically.

"Seriously Jimin! You could have woken the baby!" Seokjin scolded in a whisper. Jimin responded with a sheepish smile before bouncing Jungkook up into a better position on his hip. Seokjin was impressed with how strong Jimin was (or maybe it was because Jungkook was so light) because he was only holding the teenager with one hand while his other preoccupied an item.

"Sorry, hyung. I assumed he was awake since our Jungkookie awoke not too long ago." Jimin smiled before cooing back to his baby. 

Jungkook didn't respond and only continued to play with his Appa's earrings. They we're shiny and pretty with some pretty gems. Jungkook has never seen anything so beautiful and so rich before. He wrapped his delicate fingers around the object as he sucked on his comforting white bunny pacifier.

"He's so cute and quiet." Seokjin smiled before slightly ruffling Jungkook's hair. He didn't touch it much because he didn't want to ruin the handsome little's look.

Unlike Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin decided it was okay to introduce Jungkook to Seoul. They had tried talking about it to Jungkook before, but the boy only responded with an uninterested shrug. He didn't really seem to care about many things and just let his new caregivers make decisions for him. Although it was good for Jimin and Hoseok, they knew they had to teach the teenager to be more independent as well and make sure to voice out what he wants or not. They have a feeling he didn't have a choice like that before.

"Yes, my handosme little boy." Jimin kissed Jungkook's cheek before walking over to sit on Seokjin's bed. "And he is very quiet. The only time I hear a sound from him is when I do this." Jimin said right before popping the pacifier out from Jungkook's mouth. The startled little let out a distraught noise and immediately tried reaching out for it with a cry.

"Shh baby, I'm just going to give you a bottle before we get off." Jimin said before lifting up his right hand and showing the boy the blue bottle with a shake of his hand.

"I think he probably took the paci as a comfort item. Like how Tae never really leaves that stuffed lion behind." Jimin explained while looking up to his hyung. He had Jungkook cradled in his arm now as he drank the bottle quietly. He was no longer distraught since he was getting food into his body.

Seokjin couldn't help but die inside at the sight of the boy. "So cute! I love how he's so well behaved. You really struck gold with him." He commented as he watched the boy relax against Jimin.

The fellow caregiver nodded and smiled as well. "I think fate let me take a break. I don't know if I would be able to handle two Taehyungs in my house." Jimin playfully teased.

As if right on cue, the said little came running into the room and jumped on the bed to sit next to Jimin.

"Tae! What did we say about running?" Hoseok followed no more than a few seconds after.

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