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After having a near death life experience with choking on the milk, (not really, but Yoongi was dramtic over everything) Seokjin finished feeding the boy the entire bottle. He felt bad when Yoongi continued to try to suck the bottle for more although there wasn't even a drop left.

So this is how Seokjin found himself feeding Yoongi another bottle more of the sweet nutrient milk. He knew he probably shouldn't have since his baby could get sick with getting so much after having nothing, but in his defense, he was only giving him half.

"You are so whipped for him already." Jimin laughed when he entered the room and saw Seokjin placing the new bottle between Yoongi's lips.

"Yeah, but I don't care because I finally got a cute little baby of my own." Seokjin sing songed happily before nuzzling his nose against Yoongi's. Yoongi scrunched his nose at the sudden contact since his eyes had been closed, but didn't bother to make a complain about it. All he had his mind concentrated on was how tasty the milk is.

Meanwhile, Hoseok was noticing how Jungkook's eyes carefully blinked as he stared at Seokjin and Yoongi, but mostly to the comfortable teenager. His eyes then lowered to stare at Taehyung who was now quietly drinking from his own sippy cup. He was silently watching a cartoon on his daddy's phone as he sat against the bed post, drinking occasionally from the cup. Jungkook began sucking harder on his white pacifier.

"You want your bottle too, Kookie, huh? Appa has your own bottle." Hoseok asked after trying to move Jungkook's fluffy bed hair away from his eyes. The teenager skeptically blinked towards Hoseok and slowly turned to look at the male that stood in front of him. He stared at Jimin with a bit of fear, eyes seeming as if they were asking, 'Can I?' .

Jimin tried to force out a smile. "Come on sweetheart. I know you must be hungry." He quietly commented before sitting on the bed.

He let Hoseok pass him Jungkook and carefully cradled the boy into his arms so he could be in a comfortable position. Jimin was able to remove the pacifier from the reluctant boy and tried to replace it with the nipple of the bottle. He had to assure Jungkook it was okay multiple times before the boy hesitantly opened his mouth. The baby immediately relaxed once he felt the familiar milk again. Hoseok and Jimin noticed how much fear Jungkook had whenever asking or receiving things. He acted as if he wasn't worth for having the simplest things.

After they made sure Jungkook was situated properly, they finally began to speak again. The two littles being fed were each succumbing to their own dream world.

"So, have you introduced Namjoon his new baby boy?" Jimin spoke softly, but had a knowing smile on his face. Seokjin realized he had never responded to Hoseok's question before.

He nodded with a small hint of a smile as he continued to stare at Yoongi's relaxing face.

"I sent him his file. I haven't really got time to take a picture of him yet since he's been fussy." Seokjin explained while running his thumb over Yoongi's cheek. He carefully ghosted his thumb over a small scar on the corner of his cheek, sighing a bit. He had noticed Jungkook had a couple of scars over his body as well. It seemed as if every single baby from outside Seoul had a scar somewhere.

Hoseok's scoff had sent Seokjin back to reality.

"His file? He could have got that from the media! And we haven't even got out of the train yet so I have no idea how the paparazzi's got that." Hoseok spoke dumbfounded. He suddenly got up quicker than Seokjin could blink.

Seokjin heard a camera shutter echo in the room, making him look up.

"There, now you got a picture." Hoseok smiled before showing his husband his phone. Jimin awwed, his teeth exposed because of how wide he smiled at the picture.

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