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Yoongi walked towards the familiar main green field that had nothing but grass in it. He saw a lot of teenage boys and girls already standing in their spots, waiting for the rich people to soon arrive from the city. They stood in front of the tracks that the people will be coming from. The area was silent and the tension was dense.

Yoongi didn't even have to go to the security at the front to sign in since they knew him from seeing him every single year. You are allowed to sign up once you are a teen with your last chance being at 18. He didn't know what he was supposed to do after that age. He was 17 though so he'll worry about it next year.

After spotting his empty place, he hurriedly jogged over to it. It was at the very far back where the choosers usually never made it since they found their match at the start. He stood at the same spot every year, doing everything he could do to not get chosen.

Yoongi sighed as he stood in place. He was ready to be bored for the next two hours of his life.

He rolled his eyes when the long vehicle showed up to the stop in front of them and all the new teenagers who signed up, gasped. It had came in lightning speed since, unlike them, the city did seem futuristic. Yoongi didn't even know the name of this vehicle, but he bet it was as common as water at Seoul. They had everything, all technology, while the rest laid to suffer. Yoongi hated the system.

He saw a couple of men and women in fancy clothes exit the vehicle, some in couples, or others by themselves. None of the teenagers cared though because at the end they all had the same thing in common, they were rich.

Yoongi watched as the last man exited the vehicle. He's handsome, Yoongi strangely thought. A turtleneck and a coat hugged the man's body which made his broad figure look strong along with his brown hair that matched perfectly with it too. The man looked around from the doorway of the vehicle (looking like a model) before walking down the steps, hands in his coat's pockets. Yoongi thought he looked like a celebrity who just had his grand entrance. Meanwhile there was him who only wore ripped jeans and a black hoodie that he rarely let go of.

After the man joined along with the rest of the rich people, Yoongi began to count. There were twenty sets of families that had exited. That meant there were twenty 'lucky' teenagers who would get chosen. Twenty out of one hundred.

"Good luck." The boy next to him whispered over to him. Yoongi glared at him.

"I don't want it." He retorted back. The other boy gulped and looked back upfront.

After an hour, Yoongi sighed and became bored. Only about half of the families that had came had chosen a 'baby' already. The other half we're just slow, looking through each carefully as if they were choosing an engagement ring.

The only interesting thing that had occurred was a huge commotion in one of the first couple of rows earlier. According to the rumors passed down, a teenager had passed out, from starvation probably. It wasn't common, but no one was surprised either. There were a lot of people who couldn't eat. That had only reminded Yoongi that he hadn't ate as well, stomach growling.

Eventually, Yoongi began playing with his shoes against the dirt, boredom heavily increasing. He was trying to draw something with the tip of his shoe since there was nothing else to do. He first tried drawing an animal, but that didn't turn out well, so he began to do a person. That didn't look good either. He eventually started drawing the vehicle which, surprisingly, was already coming out better than he had expected. He was so concentrated too because a vehicle that difficult drawn with a shoe? On dirt? It was a hard thing to do. Even for someone like him who loved to draw. His tongue stuck out a bit as he leaned his shoe more into the ground to create the windows.

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