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A/N - Did I make your heart stop for at least a mili-second when you saw this updated? If you did, you just made me the most happiest person on Earth. Thank Your for all the love you guys are giving this story!! I seriously can't thank you guys enough~

Enjoy this 10k chapter~

Yoongi whined when he was carried into the bathroom. Although the room was very fancy and huge with its grand bath at the far back, double sinks at the side, chandelier lights overhead, and had the scent of blooming flowers, this was the last room Yoongi wanted to be at the moment.

Yes, he was very dirty and felt very gross with his face covered in mud and dirt underneath his nails. His clothes had already been stripped away and had only been left in the bulky diaper embarrassingly enough. Yoongi didn't bring himself enough to care at the moment as long as he wasn't completely stripped in front of the men yet.

"Look, sweetheart. We put bubbles and toys and made sure the water is warm for you." Seokjin tried to convince the boy. Namjoon placed him down on the soft rug so Yoongi could inspect the bath carefully himself. Seokjin had crouched down at his side and grabbed his left hand softly before he quietly dipped it into the water. Yoongi unintentionally gasped. The water was nice and warm. It felt inviting and relaxing. A blanket sort of feeling for his exhausted body. Yoongi was always used to showering with cold ice water, so this feeling was absolutely foreign for him.

"Look, we bought you toys if you want to play." Namjoon crouched down on the other side of Yoongi. He grabbed a bucket from one of their cabinets and brought it to sit in between Yoongi and him. Both of the men gave encouraging smiles as they showed each bath toy to the teenager. Yoongi had ignored all the figures and toy boats, but he couldn't stop staring at the yellow rubber ducks.

Namjoon formed a smile when he caught the younger's eye. "You really like ducks, huh?" The man commented. 

Yoongi's eyes never failed to follow as Namjoon reached his hand in and grabbed the yellow object. Yoongi flinched back a bit when Namjoon grabbed his right hand, unwrapped his tight fist, and placed the toy in his fingers. He then grabbed another one and squeaked it right in front of Yoongi's nose. The younger jumped on his spot at being startled. Seokjin and Namjoon cooed.

"Okay. How about you keep your duck with you while we bathe you? He could distract you, okay? We promise to be quick." Seokjin commented as he whispered into the boy's ear. Yoongi gave a frown at the statement, but nodded nevertheless. He didn't feel like putting much of a fight after everything that had occurred to him. He had also decided to keep the duck because maybe it will distract him like the paci had done for his diaper change.

Yoongi braced himself when he felt the tape of the diaper being pulled. He was glad the men always kept their promises because he was placed into the warm bath water almost immediately after having his last garment taken off. Yoongi had no place for complaining when the warm water reached half of his body, the soapy bubbles covering his bottom half. It felt like a bed. The warmth, the softness from the bubbles, and the fragrance smell of the nearby soaps made Yoongi de-tense and want to just sleep then and there.

"Hey, don't fall asleep now on us, please." Seokjin laughed when he saw his baby's eyes start to close.

Yoongi whined when he felt his head being pulled back and water falling over his hair. His eyes were thankfully protected by Namjoon's large hand.

"We promised to be quick, okay? Although I think you seem fine, I think we should get you into bed soon." Namjoon commented.

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