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Yoongi unpleasantly awoke the next day to his head hurting and the sun shining onto his eyes again. He didn't have much memory of awakening the previous day after his second nap. He still had the lingering mess of emotions inside of him that fighting or focusing on anything was too difficult for him to handle. Today he felt the way drunk people seemed after a long night of drinking- hungover. His head wasn't pounding though and it felt more stable than the thoughts that had seemed to be running a mile a minute yesterday.

"Does my baby boy feel better today?" Namjoon had asked the drowsy boy when he came down in Seokjin's arms.

Yoongi didn't answer more than a shrug because although he felt like he had slept for a hundred years, he still wanted to sleep a hundred more. So instead of focusing on any of the caregivers, he let himself be maneuvered into Namjoon's arms. He was basically placed down to straddle the man, so Yoongi simply rested his head on the singer's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"He seems worn out from the drugs, but at least it should be gone by now. He's still exhausted though because he didn't even realize when I changed him." Seokjin commented as he prepared a bottle for the boy.

Yoongi's eyes quickly opened at the comment. His face heated at the new information and he didn't know which one was more embarrassing: the fact that he had went without realizing or not realizing when he was changed. He closed his eyes and tried not to think about it. Instead he was just glad he got over with it again and could avoid it for the time being.

After being fed, Namjoon left to the living room while Seokjin stayed behind.

"I'm guessing you want to watch TV, huh?" Namjoon chuckled as he sat the boy down on his lap facing frontwards. The man had already grabbed the controller and began to flip through the channels.

"Stop." Yoongi suddenly said. The man stopped pressing onto the button and noticed how Yoongi's eyes were already glued to the screen. Namjoon cracked a smile when Yoongi had full concentration on a cartoon about animals he had watched yesterday. Namjoon rested his head on the boy's blanket covered shoulder and made sure to tuck the fleece comfortably around the boy's body.

Seokjin had came into the living room a couple of episodes in. He was about to sit down and join the two when he realized the bored looking expression Yoongi had as he watched the television. His favorite - he meant - preffered show had just finished and he didn't favor the current one as much. Seokjin had paused before quickly leaving the room again. He had an idea to cheer his boy up.

Yoongi had been tiredly resting his head against Namjoon's chest when he saw Seokjin enter the room again. The man walked to stand in front of him and then crouched in front of the boy holding a piece of paper and crayons in the other.

"Sweetheart, daddy and I tried fixing your picture from yesterday." Seokjin began to say as he revealed the drawing Yoongi had previously been working on before the incident.

Yoongi's interest was caught as his eyes scanned over the sheet of paper. He stared at his drawing, completely forgetting about it after his hard day. The picture looked the same as how it did before (clumsy drawings and coloring) except for the unfortunate added details. Nevertheless, he noticed how the ript part on the side was put together by clear tape on the back and how the crayon mark that had been created across it was lighter now. Yoongi could only stare at it before quietly taking it into his hands.

"Daddy and I tried fixing it, but the mark couldn't completely go away. We're sure if you just color it over it will be fine though." Jin finished explaining as he watched the boy intently. Yoongi wasn't showing any emotion as he stared at his picture, a wave of sadness as he stared at the figures. Namjoon had seemed to notice, so he buried his nose into the younger's hair to direct his thoughts somewhere else.

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