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Yoongi awoke the second time that day, surprisingly, only an hour later. Although it was just an hour, it was a much needed extra sleep time for his exhausted body.

He had begun stretching his limbs (as much as he could) when he realized the object in his mouth bopping up and down. He didn't have time to be disgusted though because a sharp pain crossed his stomach. He really had to use the restroom soon or he was going to explode.

"He's not going to tell us, but I'll see if I can get anything- "

Namjoon stopped midway from his sentence as he entered his room. Yoongi shied away when he made eye contact with the handsome man. Namjoon smiled at him.

"Our sleeping beauty is finally up, huh?" Seokjin teased from behind Namjoon when he realized the dazed boy blinking up at them.

Yoongi tried not to let out an obvious noise of discomfort when Seokjin lifted him up and he was sat on the older's lap.

"Does our baby want to eat now?" Namjoon asked softly with a loving smile. He tried not to show much worry or disappointment when Yoongi simply shook his head. The boy definitely didn't want the drink now.

Seokjin sighed, but he didn't press further on it. He knew why Yoongi didn't want the bottle despite being hungry. It was a normal occurrence in resisting babies. The boy hadn't used the bathroom in almost twenty four hours. He just didn't want to voice the issue because he knew Yoongi wouldn't be able to hold it in for a few hours maximum, so they rather just wait than force the boy. Since the drug was running through Yoongi as well, he didn't want the boy to go into another tantrum much worse than before.

"Hey, sweetheart. Wanna watch TV? Cartoons?" Namjoon tried to change the topic as he grabbed a black remote control. He sat next to his husband and baby with the object in hand.

Yoongi gave an annoyed look. They didn't know why they asked him if the television was already being turned on without an answer.

Yoongi had been sitting quietly (his mind currently distracted with his full bladder situation) until sudden colorful lights brought his attention back. He narrowed his eyes in suspicioun as he saw weird drawings moving on the screen in front of him. The characters on screen jumped and laughed as they spoke. He watched the screen with curiousity, but intentally.

"These are cartoons." Namjoon tried to answer Yoongi's skeptic look. "Have you watched any before?" The man carefully asked. He was as concentrated at the boy as Yoongi was to the screen. The boy was staring straight ahead without blinking. A small shake of the boy's head was the only way Namjoon knew that he was at least being paid attention a bit.

Yoongi was immersed at the screen, not being able to peel away his eyes from the technology he's never seen before. He didn't know this thing called "cartoons" existed. The best he caught were glimpses of the news happening at the city, but those weren't cartoons.

The teenager loved drawings. It was one of the few things he was able to enjoy on his rare free times back at home. So for the boy to see the drawings moving it had done more than just take him aback.

The only thing he wasn't enjoying was the narrator talking in a very overly excited and careful voice. It was baby talk Yoongi knew for sure, but he managed to not care much about it. He simply ignored it at times as he stared at the television.

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