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A/N - I'm here. I'm sorry. It's 5 am. Let me just leave this 11k chapter here. Okay. I'm done. Peace.

I love you guys so much by the way thank you for all the beautiful comments you always give me! Enjoy~

Yoongi was grumpy.

He had been sleeping so peacefully and so comfortable. How dare his sleep be ruined by another stupid cough?

Yoongi had been a bit embarrassed when he realized he had woken up in a different bed (immediately realizing that he must have slept with the other two men), but the anger of his short sleep was enough for him to not make a big deal over it. Why couldn't his illness go away? He just wanted to sleep.

“Baby had a tough night, huh?” Namjoon spoke after picking Yoongi back up from the changing table. The boy hadn't complained once over his change and being picked up. He seed too weak to do anything.

Yoongi didn't say anything again and buried his nose into Namjoon's shirt. He had become extremely familiar with the man’s smell - also Seokjin's - after continuously being coddled over his past sick day. He hates to admit it, but being near the scent easily calmed him down from his discomforts.

“I’m not sure you're going to like it, but Appa called Jinyoung, our doctor, so he can see what's wrong with you and to also give you a regular check up.” Namjoon carefully explained as he made their way out the room.

Yoongi opened his tired eyes and surprisingly lifted his head up. His face itself showed his reaction to Namjoon's words. A doctor? The only doctor Yoongi had experience with was the one on the Selection Day train and let him just tell you, Yoongi broke his nose. That experience itself made him realize that he was not a fan of doctors.

“I don’t want to.” Yoongi managed to croak out. His stomach had already dropped at the thought of someone poking him around.

Namjoon sadly smiled as he made his way towards the stairs.

“Sorry, baby. I promise it will be quick and over before you know it. Then, it's back to nap time. Okay?” The rapper smiled. In the inside, he was worried just as much as Yoongi was. First check up for littles - resisting or not - never ended well. Not one. But they had to get it over with it eventually. Now or never.

Yoongi wasn't entirely convinced, but unfortunately he couldn't say anything else. They had reached the living room by now and from the corner of his eye, he saw Seokjin coming in from the other side of the house. At least he felt a bit better when his Appa smiled the second his caregiver spotted him.

“There's my little kitten! Are you feeling better?” Seokjin walked over to the two. The second he was close enough, he took Yoongi from Namjoon's arms and sat down on the couch, Yoongi across his lap.

As if on cue, Yoongi sneezed. His eyes squinted shut for a moment; the action had made his head dizzy. Seokjin frowned when he saw how red Yoongi’s eyes were once opened again.

Yoongi was ready to complain and possibly whine again at how terrible he felt, but then he noticed they weren't the only ones alone. He saw someone’s shoes from the corner of his eyes. Yoongi slowly trailed up from the feet and soon came up to a handsome young man’s face. He seemed young, younger than Seokjin.

“Hi. I'm Jinyoung. I'm your Appa’s friend and also you're doctor. Nice to meet you.” The man smiled and came forward to the two on the couch.

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