*18 1/2 // Inkitt

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A/N - A/N - This is going to be a long, but very important author's note before the actual chapter so bare with me please~

As some of you guys may know, I was invited to join Inkitt's (a writing platform) Reader Royalty's program a while back! This means that whenever someone views my story through a tracking link on Inkitt's website, I will be paid for each viewer. A YouTuber partner of fanfiction for better understanding? Haha.

I am not forcing any of you or will appreciate you any less if you don't, but it will mean so so so much if you guys can help support me on this?

All you have to do is go to this link,
https://inkitt.app.link/RA_samanthaboc , download the app, and read Selection Day (or my other stories) on their website. It is completely free and has no ads!

As a bonus (and since I'll be earning money from this), from now on Inkitt will always have priority and each chapter from now on will be released one week ahead before it comes out on Wattpad and Ao3. Specifically for this chapter, Ao3 and Wattpad will only have half of the Selection Day chapter, but the full 12k chapter is now available to read on Inkitt right now!

It would really mean a lot, but again, I won't mind if you do not want to change reading platforms or for another reason. This is the best type of 'job' I could have at the moment and I feel really blessed that my stories have given me this chance.

Sorry this was long, but I just had to do selfish self promo again and explain why this chapter is so short? Haha.

Please make sure to use this link because it is the tracked one:


You can also find it on my Instagram bio ( _minsugaforever ) and Wattpad bio.

Thank you! I hope you enjoy this chapter~

The boys were all called in for lunch (sooner than anticipated, for Taehyung's liking) once Seokjin and Jimin were finished cooking.

Yoongi hadn't known how hungry he was until he saw the bottle coming his way. This one in particular was different. It was a light yellow, banana flavored, because apparently it was Jungkook's favorite flavor, so why not give it a try? He still preferred strawberry milk, but this one wasn't bad either. Yoongi used to eat bananas when he had the luxury to steal it.

As Yoongi enjoyed his lunch, the rest of the caregivers and littles enjoyed theirs. Seokjin had prepared Naengmyeon along with several side dishes and it was probably not the best idea for little Taehyung. The dining table was a mess from the noodles that failed to reach the little’s mouth. They were sure the noodles had landed on the floor more than they did in his stomach. Jimin or Hoseok should have started feeding Taehyung the second they saw him eat the dish with his fingers. The boy was coated from hair to toe, resembling a baby blue haired monster. Jungkook had giggled sleepily and had picked at his hyung’s noodled-hair from Hoseok's hip.

While Jimin got Taehyung cleaned, Namjoon and Yoongi had moved over to the living room. Hoseok and Seokjin stayed behind to clear the table and wipe down any odd messes they would discover every so often. There was surely a lot of those. Jungkook had fallen asleep almost immediately after they finished eating so the owners of the house allowed the baby to nap in Yoongi's playpen for the meanwhile.

“You don't want to nap too, baby?” Namjoon had asked. He had Yoongi on his lap as they sat on the couch. The television was on but it only served as a relaxing background noise. Yoongi shook his head despite feeling his eyes droop. He was still tired since Taehyung had cut his nap short.

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