The one with the tickle fight- 100th part!

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Keefe's pov

It was 3:30am on a Monday morning and our baby wouldn't stop crying.

Here's what happened.

I was sleeping soundly when I woke up to someone shaking me. I rubbed my eyes, opening them to look up at Sophie.

"Keefe?" She yawned, sitting up in bed as I rolled over to face her, still half asleep.

I heard someone making a lot of noise and mumbled a few cuss words, my eyes still closed.

Who the hell is making that goddamn noise? I thought angrily.

"Bella." Sophie sighed, answering my thoughts after reading them.

I opened my eyes to look up at her. She had a high ponytail with a few messy strands hanging in her face. She was wearing a silk camisole with shorts, not wearing a top undergarment so feeding Bella would be easier. She yawned again, stretching her arms.

"She'll be fine in a minute." I grumbled, closing my eyes as I snaked an arm around Sophie's waist from under her loose camisole, pulling her down to lay with me.

I pulled her down to lay close to my chest with my eyes closed, cuddling her close to me. I buried my face in her neck, giving her a few kisses on her throat.

"G'night." I mumbled into the crook of her neck, my eyes still shut.

"Keefe. We have to go to Bella." She told me, pulling out of my arms and getting out of bed.

I sighed, stretching before getting out of bed after her. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, walking across the hall to Bella's nursery. We walked into the mostly dark room and looked around groggily. The room lit up with a night light, just enough to see. Sophie sat down on the couch, rubbing her temples as I went over to the crib. I looked down at Bella tiredly.

"What the hell do you want from us?" I whined softly as I picked her up.

Bella quieted at my voice, instantly smiling a beautiful smile that brightened up her face. She loved attention from me, loved being in my arms.

I rocked her gently before she started fussing again. I sat down beside Sophie on the couch and handed her our baby.

"Are you hungry?" Sophie cooed, fixing her shirt so she could feed her. "I know you are, I know baby." Sophie mumbled in a baby voice as she held Bella to her chest.

I rubbed Sophie's back from under her shirt as she fed Bella, kissing her cheek a few times in between.

Once she was done feeding Bella she handed her to me. I held Bella close to my chest, cradling her in my arms as I rocked her back and forth gently.

I swayed Bella to sleep before setting her down in her crib. When I looked back at Sophie I saw that she had fallen asleep. I leant down and picked her up, holding her tightly. I walked to our room across the hall, setting Sophie down on her side of the bed. I turned to go to my side but she reached up and grabbed my wrist.

"Stay with me." She whispered, holding me tight in her grip.

I nodded, walking back to her and laying down beside her. I spooned her tightly, wrapping my arms around her stomach from behind.

"G'night love." I whispered, closing my eyes.

That morning.
Emma's pov

I woke up at 4:10am, unable to fall back asleep. I looked over at Dylan on his side of the bed. The room was still dark, the sun hadn't rose yet. He was sleeping peacefully, facing towards me. His blond hair, with brown mixed in, was chaotic and messy, falling over his forehead. But he looked so cute, his baby pink lips slightly parted to reveal an array of pearly white teeth. His breathing slow, his bare chest rising and falling with steady breaths. He was laying angled towards me on his back, a hand on his stomach and his other one on his pillow.

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