The one with the hot tub

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Sophie came outside to the hot tub in her swimsuit. Her hair was tied up in a cute messy bun with a few wavy strands loose on each side by her ears. Keefe looked at Sophie's slim form in her bikini as she stepped into the hot tub slowly.

"nice swimsuit." Keefe smirked at the shimmery ice blue color of her bikini.

"Thanks but I don't really like the color." Sophie told him with a small smirk while looking into his ice blue eyes as she sat down next to him with about a foot of space in between.

Keefe ignored her as he scooted over to sit closer to her. He hesitated for a split second but slung an arm around Sophie's shoulders.

Sophie eyed his arm around her. She looked up at him with a look.

"Don't look at me like that." Keefe looked down her with scrunched eyebrows. "I'm still your hubby." He smirked as he looked out at the beautiful view.

Sophie scoffed at him.

He rolled his eyes to look at Sophie. "Look Soph. We can't keep going on like this." Keefe sighed.

"I know." Sophie mumbled, looking away.

"So can we please at least try to go back to normal?" Keefe pleaded.

Sophie looked up at him with hard eyes.

"sorry- but I can't just simply get over what happened fully and let it blow past me." Sophie told him.

"I understand-" Keefe started.

"But I will say..." Sophie cut him off. She took a deep breath. "I am sorry for being so rude these past few weeks... I should've been a bit more understanding of your answer." Sophie said softly.

"A bit." Keefe laughed. Sophie joined his laughs with her own while shaking her head.

"And I'm sorry too." Keefe added when their laughs died down.

"For what?" Sophie asked him.

"For being so stupid and selfish when you asked that night." Keefe said softly.

"You must be so pissed off from my attitude these past few weeks." Sophie laughed.

"Not gonna lie, at times you really truly were a bitch." Keefe looked at her with a smirk. "But the funny part is that I'm not even that mad at the snarky little answers you've been giving me. I just miss how we used to be... all over each other. Little kisses here and there, cuddling in bed, the teasing jokes all the time..." Keefe looked at him and her sitting in the hot tub peacefully. He watched the rippling clear blue water and the white mist swarming in light circles around them. "Hot tub nights, like this." He added.

Sophie sighed to herself before wrapping her arms around Keefe's slim frame and leaning her head on his bare chest.

Keefe looked down at her confusedly.

" 'Don't look at me like that.' " Sophie mocked him from earlier with a face. " 'I'm still your wife.'"

"You've got the voice all wrong." Keefe said, mimicking Sophie's voice perfectly and uncannily, as he did often to annoy her.

"If only I could do mimicry." Sophie shook her head from side to side with a dangerous smile. "You'd go down."

Once their laughs died down keefe looked down at her. "Do you miss anything?" He asked her curiously.

"Of course." Sophie nodded. "I miss everything you named. But I miss other types things. Like... holding you close to me, you holding me close by you in your arms..." Sophie looked at him with a small smile. "...being close to you..." Sophie lowered her voice as she swung her leg around on the other side of him. Keefe watched amusedly as she sat on his lap, leaning close to him. "...I miss running my fingers through these soft locks..." Sophie said softly as she played with his blonde waves. Keefe watched her confusedly. "...I miss your touch..." Sophie whispered as she put a hand on his cheek. "...I miss these luscious lips..." Sophie breathed against his cheek as she ran her hand down his face and gently pulled his bottom lip down with her thumb.

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