The one where he wants to

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Lily's pov
The next morning

It was 4:12am when I woke up... great. I had been restless for the one and a half hour I actually slept. Cole and I had the best night of our lives. We were definitely excited because we knew that our actions last night would result to something amazing.

I looked down to see Cole under me, sleeping soundly. His face was peaceful, his sharply angled jawline clenched with his lips parted slightly, swollen  and dark pink from last night. His hair was the messiest I've probably ever seen it. His silky hair was a golden blond, sprinkled with strands of light brown. His body was totally bare under my fully nude one. His body was a soft tan color, smooth and soft under me. My hands were resting on his broad shoulders, holding him gently. I slid my left hand down to rest on the smooth plains of his chest, smiling when I felt his heart beat skittering with happiness under my palm. I looked down and smiled softly when I saw his lightly defined abs and defined v lines. I glanced over my shoulder to see his lightly toned muscled arms wrapped around my thin body, a hand on the small of my back and one on my backside. I looked down to see his long legs under my smooth ones, his ankles crossed with mine.

I put a hand on either side of his face, cupping his cheeks and holding him delicately. I leant down and kissed him. My smooth lips moved with his wet ones, knowing the silent spoken rhythm our lips followed. I pulled away slowly, pecking a kiss to his cheek.

His eyes fluttered open to look up at me on top of him. I sucked in a sharp breath when our eyes met, always and forever being stunned by the beauty of his eyes. They were pretty globes of the ice blue of his father's eyes, darkened by his mother's brown, turning his eyes a beautiful dark ice blue color. His eyes were clear with the gold flecks in his eyes glinting in the dim light of the moon that was setting so the sun could rise.

"Bae..." he whispered, snuggling me closer to him. I let out an arousing sigh as he let out a deep hum when we felt our bodies press into each other's a bit when he pulled me closer.

"Go back to sleep." He whispered, his eyes still closed as he kissed my hair a few times.

"I can't, I'm too energetic." I told him in a soft voice, running my hands through his hair.

I leant down and kissed his cheek a few times before he sighed softly, keeping his eyes closed as he ran his hands down my back, setting them on my backside. I kept kissing his cheeks even if he was too tired to engage in my affection.

"Please babe... leave me alone..." he moaned whiningly, his eyes still closed.

"I can't." I argued, quickly using a burst of strength to flip us.

He groaned as he landed on top of me. He curled his body over mine, setting his head down on my chest with a sigh. He wrapped his bare legs around my body, his arms around my neck.

I arched my back, closing my eyes as I made him enter me. He snarled, his chest rumbling over me, vibrating my body as I shivered. I clutched his body closer, forcing him deeper into me.

"If you don't stop I'm sleeping on the couch." He growled in my ear, biting my lobe as I smiled at his anger, feeling him kiss the hollow beneath my ear.

He put his head on my shoulder, his arms around my neck and his legs still wrapped around me tightly. Our bodies were pressed tightly together, pressing together with each breath we took. I stayed quiet, running my fingers through his hair with a smile.

A few minutes later I removed my hands from his hair, cupping his face with them instead. He knew what I was doing so his eyes opened. He watched my eyes close as I leant down, parting my lips. He quickly pinned me under him, his forearm pressed across the area under my collarbone with his left hand gripping the side of my thigh. He leant over me, snarling as I shivered again.

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