The one where he's empathic

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Cole's pov

"Finishing up." Doctor Hale gave me a small smile as she worked.

I nodded, unable to smile back. Lily's surgery was almost done and she was still unconscious. The pain numbness injections worked so she wasn't in any pain. That was all great. I was waiting for the part where she would wake up, so I could talk to her again.

Doctor esme finally finished at around 8pm since the surgery lasted a few hours. She had cleaned everything up and we had moved lily to a new medical bed to lay on. I sat beside her new bed on a chair. I had my right arm on Lily's pillow above her head, stroking her hair with my fingers a bit as she slept.

"Can I change her gown?" I asked, looking up at doctor hale as she stood at the sink, throwing away her gloves and washing her hands.

"Hmm I'm not sure Mr. Sencen. She's going to be extremely sore everywhere below her hips..." she trailed off, thinking as she dried her wet hands. "...but I suppose she's numb right now..." she mumbled before looking up at me. "Though I wouldn't suggest it Mr. Sencen, I'm not quite sure how comfortable my patient would be with you changing her." She thought, glancing at lily.

I stared at her with a slightly irritated face. I've become annoyed with this whole surgery and was restless now, impatiently waiting for lily to wake up.

I held up my right hand, shifting my fingers a bit so my gold wedding ring could glint in the dim light of the room. I clenched my jaw, gritting my teeth as I spoke. "I'm her husband." I told her in a low tone.

She looked at the ring before nodding slowly. I sighed, putting my right arm back on Lily's pillow above her head, stroking her hair again.

Doctor hale went to a cabinet and retrieved something. She came and warily handed me a new for lily to wear.

"Be careful." She warned me, not smiling.

I grabbed it from her hands since she was testing my patience. I was getting antsy since I was so nervous. And when I was nervous I was rude. Only lily could calm me down when I got like this, or Emma. And since neither of them were here to stop me, my bad behavior would continue.

"I got it." I growled softly and Doctor hale narrowed her eyes at me. I turned to lily, knowing doctor hale wouldn't say anything to me because I was a Sencen.

Doctor Esme left then, shutting the door and locking it behind her. I changed lily cautiously and slowly, making sure I didn't hurt her. She was fine in the end, didn't flinch once in pain.

I sighed, using my left hand to hold her left hand gently. I stroked the back of her hand with my thumb, leaning down and kissing her forehead once.

"What have I let you do to yourself?" I whispered, closing my eyes.

I stayed like that for a while, thinking about the next 4-7 weeks. Lily was said to have nausea, headaches, pain from everywhere below her hips, and loss of ability control. I was in for a hard ride, but I felt bad for lily because she had it worse. She wasn't even worried about the symptoms and that bothered me.

My phone buzzed, catching me off guard in my thoughts. I reached for my phone and looked at the caller ID. clone 2.0 it read. I answered the call immediately, needing to talk to my brother.

"Dyll." I sighed in relief, holding the phone to my ear with my free left hand.

"Is lily done with surgery yet? How's she feeling? Is everything okay?" He asked quickly, concerned about lily.

"Uh, yeah, she finished surgery a bit ago. I'm not sure how she feels, she's still unconscious, and I think everything is okay." I told him nervously.

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