The one with the apology

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Emma's pov

I had already told Dylan that he needed to apologize to cole and that we'd have dinner with him and Emma. He's totally against apologizing but is absolutely only doing it for me. I appreciated him for that so much that I'd be sure to make it up to him.

We walked down the stairs to the kitchen slowly. Or Dylan was walking slow, trying to make the moment before seeing his brother longer. I paced with him. I clasped his hand tightly and he weaved his fingers with mine.

I gave him a reassuring squeeze before we reached the bottom of the stairs.

I looked up and smiled at Cole and lily, who were sitting on one side of the large dining table. Lily smiled back brightly and Cole smiled too, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. But it wasn't anything against me, but more of him being against his brother.

Dylan turned stiff beside me as him and Cole met eyes. They glared at each other until Dylan, being Dylan Zachary Sencen, chickened out. He sucked in a breath between his gritted teeth as he looked away from his brother.

He suddenly turned and smacked right into my chest. I let go of his hand and grabbed him by his forearms quickly. He tried to push past me, and I stumbled back because he was kinda stronger than me. I gripped him tighter, trying to soothe him.

"Dylan. Dylan." I whispered, our faces close. He stopped and looked down at me, fire in his eyes. "Please." I mumbled, holding his face with both hands tightly, as I pressed a kiss on his cheek. "You said you would." I reminded him.

He studied my eyes before letting out such a long sigh I didn't think he had any more oxygen left in him.

"Fine." He growled.

I turned him around and clasped his hand. As I led him to the table I saw my best guy friend, Cole, smile smugly at how hard this was for Dylan. I had to stifle my laugh with a cough when lily pinched his arm for that. Cole grabbed his arm after she pinched him and glared at her for a second.

"Hey guys." I smiled at them as Dylan pulled out a seat for me, eyes on the table.

"Hi Ems." Lily greeted me as I sat down in my seat and Dylan took his place beside me. He put a gentle hand on my thigh from under the table.

Lily and I both looked at Cole and Dylan.

"Hey." Cole mumbled, eyes on the table cloth he was fiddling with.

"Sup." Dylan glared at him as he ran his fingers through his hair with his other hand. I put my hand on the hand he had on my leg.

They went silent.

The rest of the night was good. Lily and I chattered the whole time. The twins glowered at each other from across the table. Sometimes Cole would talk to lily and I because he wasn't mad at us. And Dylan would talk to lily and I too because he wasn't mad at us either.

"I can't take this anymore." Dylan announced from beside me as he stood up and dropped his cloth napkin down on the table.

I stared up at him, wondering what he was doing. He can't take what? Our talking?

He looked down at brother who was younger by minutes. "I'm sorry. Really sorry. The fight was my fault. I started it. I'm sorry." He apologized and all three of us stared at him, shocked.

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