The one with the annual wrestling match

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Emma's pov

That morning I awoke to something wet and slobbery on my lips. I opened my eyes to see Dylan laying on top of me, even though I wasn't burdened with his weight. He was kissing me deeply. I instantly kissed back, wrestling with his tongue playfully. I bit down in his mouth a few times, causing him to let out deep, whiny groans as we winced in pleasurable pain. He trailed his wet lips down my neck and he kissed my throat I looked at the time. My clock read 3:20am. Apparently it wasn't morning, and it was still dark outside.

Our loud pleasure last a while, maybe a few hours. He trailed his love marks all over my body with his lips as I returned the favor.

Just then we heard a noise. Dylan was under me now, still pumping me. That's when we heard loud footsteps. I quickly grabbed him, causing him to let out a long, whiny groan into my mouth as we kissed.

"Shh... I think I hear Rose." I whispered as I looked down at him.

He gave me a doubtful look. "Rose has never woken up during these nights over the last 6 years." He scoffed before holding my face so he could trace my lips with his tongue.

Just then we heard a jiggle of our door handle. Dylan pulled away from my mouth with a snarl, glaring at the door.

"There's a first for everything." I mumbled as the door knob shook more, but was locked.

"Put on your robe." He whispered quickly as he slid out from under me.

I nodded as I got off the bed too. I put my silky robe back on, it was black and went down to the middle of my thighs. He put a pair of boxers on, running his fingers through his silky blond hair as he got back onto the bed. I shut the light and got into bed also, cuddling at his side. I was laying my my face on his chest, my arms wrapped around his waist with my fingers under the waistband of his boxers. He had an arm around my waist with his ankles crossed with mine. He reached his other hand down and wrapped it around the back of my thigh, pulling my leg up to rest across his waist.

We heard our daughters tiny fist knock on the door. Dylan reached a hand out and telekinetically unlocked the door for Rose. Rose opened it, coming in and walking through the darkness silently.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Her voice quivered.

Dylan and I squinted through the darkness to look at her. I gasped softly when I saw she was crying.

"Right here." Dylan whispered, reaching a hand towards her.

Rose sniffled as she took his hand and got into our bed, laying on the other side of Dylan. He wrapped his free arm around her as she sniffled. She had dried tear stains on her cheeks.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Dylan whispered against her hair as he kissed it.

"I had a bad dream." She whimpered, pressing her cheek against Dylan's warm chest.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked softly, reaching over and rubbing her arm gently.

She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head quickly.

I nodded as I leant over and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight honey." I whispered.

"Night mommy." She whispered.

Dylan pressed a kiss to her hair as he slipped a hand under her shirt, rubbing her back.

"G'night love." He mumbled, closing his eyes.

"Night daddy." She kissed his cheek once before closing her eyes.

10 more days passed by quickly. It was now December 16th, the day of the annual wrestling match.

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