The one where she won't stop crying

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Emma's pov
The next day

I woke up at around 10 in the morning. Jeez why did I sleep in so late? Then I remembered how I slept at 1am and woke up 3 times with Dylan at night because of Rosalie. I looked beside me to see rose was still asleep. I wrapped an arm around her, holding her close.

I looked up, my eyes wandering the room for Dylan. Then I remembered how he was at black swan training with Cole, making up for lost time. Dylan needed to catch up his cognate work with Cole because he had taken time off of training to be with me during my eighth month of pregnancy. He would be gone till almost 10pm. I had a long day ahead of me.

My phone rang, buzzing on my nightstand. I jumped, the noise startling me. I reached over rose carefully to get my phone. Lils 🤡💞 the contact name read. I answered the call.

"Hey lils." I greeted my best friend, holding my phone to my ear.

"Hey emma." I heard the smile in her voice. "What're you doing today?"

"Nothin much. Dylls at training." I shrugged.

"Yeah, with Cole." She murmured. "Can I come over for the day? I wanna see my little niece."

I bit my lip. I didn't want lily to come over if it would make her sad to see my baby, since she couldn't have one of her own.

"You don't have to..." I started slowly.

"No, it's okay." She cut me off, her voice still cheery. "I want to. I'll be over in 20 minutes."

"See you." I smiled.

I put down my phone before getting up from bed. I used the bathroom, changed, did my makeup and hair. I was in cute grey sweats with a thin, tightish shirt that stopped a few centimeters above where my sweats ended on my hips. My hair was in a nice ponytail, my makeup nice and simple.

I went to my room and Rosalie was awake now, yawning as she stretched her little arms and legs. I picked her up with a smile.

"Hi baby." I smiled at her, holding her to my body.

She gripped my finger, shaking it a bit.

"I'm excited too." I giggled. "Guess who's coming?" I murmured to her as I took her to her nursery. "Aunt lils!" I exclaimed, knowing she didn't understand.

Once I got her to her nursery I changed her diaper on the changing table stand. I changed her into a thin, lavender onesie before wrapping a blanket around her so she wouldn't get cold.

I went downstairs and ate cereal with rose laying in her crib calmly beside me.

Lily came a few minutes after I finished. I was sitting on the couch, watching tv in my huge, glittering living room when someone knocked on the front doors.

"Come in." I called.

Lily walked through the doors with a smile. She was wearing a similar outfit as mine, except her shirt was thin with long sleeves.

"Hey ems." She greeted me as she came to the living room.

"I'm so happy to see you." I sighed with a smile as I stood up and hugged her.

"I bet you need some girl time." She giggled as she looked around the room. "Where's my niece?"

I nodded my head toward the crib as I sat on the couch again. "Laying in there."

Lily went over and carefully picked Rosalie up, holding her close to her body. She sat down on the couch by the crib.

"She's so cute." Lily gushed, stroking rose's cheek.

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